David... he's a patient little muse. I was minding my own business, working on a Jon fic, when all of a sudden from the other side of my brain I hear "Um, excuse me, I have something to tell you...".
and thus, we now have David's Story!
If you're new to the story, it begins HERE...
The newest chapter can be found HERE. I will update this link as I update the story.
Thanks for reading my inaugural spin...
Chapter 7

It was a bright warm, summer day and David was waiting for Samantha in the lobby of their building. They had planned to spend the day together, shopping and doing laundry and all those other mundane tasks that were made all the more better because they were doing them together.
The elevator dinged and David turned as she appeared, his heart skipping a half dozen beats as he took in the angel before him. She was dressed in denim short shorts and a halter top which was just revealing enough that her pert nipples showed through; not in a bad way but rather in a very sensual one that made David’s cock jump within his own shorts. She had her hair pulled back with a scrunchy and her sunglasses were perched atop her head. She was, quite simply, the most adorable girl he had ever seen.
“Sammy, you look good enough to eat,” David said by way of greeting her, taking her into a long, deep embrace. “Are we ready to hit the big city by storm?” he said, holding her at arm’s length then and giving her a peck on the lips.
“Well good morning to you to, silly man” she giggled in response, taking his hand and leading him out the door.
They walked a few blocks until they came to a wonderful open air market that had become a permanent event in the village on Sundays in the summer. Dozens upon dozens of vendors would set up shop in a 3 block area that would be cordoned off to traffic so that people could roam freely through the area. It was, in Sam’s opinion, the very best opportunity to pick up some of her favorite food and she looked forward to coming here each week.
Samantha led David from vendor to vendor, choosing carefully the items she wanted. David paid attention because he wanted to know everything about her, and that started with her favorite foods. She chose red pepper humus from one shop, fresh, warm French bread from another, a variety of fruits and vegetables from a third. Each place they stopped provided samples and snacks of the various specialties that were being sold. David and Samantha ate so much they didn’t even need to stop for lunch. As they continued to walk she added homemade Caesar dressing, a big container of cold gazpacho soup, and a bag of homemade garlic croutons to go with it. She was so at ease with everyone she met, treating them like friends rather than just vendors, introducing some of the shop owners to David as they walked and talked and generally enjoyed the day. With bags full of all sorts of goodies, the last stop was at an old fashioned candy counter type place where they picked up grape licorice laces and some handmade fudge with marshmallows and walnuts mixed inside.
Returning to their building, they took the items up to Sam’s apartment, taking care to put the perishables away so they would not spoil. As Samantha closed the refrigerator door, David came from behind, turning her and pressing her firmly against the closed refrigerator door. He placed his hands on either side of her face and took her in for a long, slow, passionate kiss. He slid his tongue over her lips and into her mouth, tasting all the treats they had shared throughout their time in the market, happy memories filling his head. He wished he could stay like this forever, wished she wasn’t going to leave for college at the end of the summer, even wished he could follow her and blow off Julliard. But he knew that was never going to happen, so he just leaned in to kiss her some more, making an indelible mark in her memory so that, hopefully, she would never forget him.
David had thought a lot about the past during these last few days with Samantha. He was determined to re-capture at least some of what they had shared so many years ago and he had gone to great lengths to prepare an evening that would show her exactly how he felt. Having come in from the afternoon’s activities, David and Samantha both showered and dressed casually for the evening. Sam had asked him what he had planned and he would tell her nothing other than it would be a casual evening, to dress comfortably and to bring a sweater along.
All the way down to the lobby, Samantha tried to get David to tell her what he had planned, but his sly smile was the only thing he gave away. He had decided on a private picnic for the two of them; enlisting the concierge to help him find all the foods he hoped were still among Sam’s favorites. The concierge also arranged for a car and driver to be at their disposal for the afternoon.
The couple got into the waiting car, smiling at the little bow the driver made as they approached. As they rode through the streets of Paris, they held hands and looked out the window, enjoying the lights of the city and how it took on a whole different aura than it had during the day.
When they arrived at the Tuileries Gardens, the driver took a large basket from the trunk and handed it to David. Turning back to the trunk, the driver took another large item and handed it over to Samantha; a thick, woolen blanket that was neatly folded with a fastening strap around it to keep it all in place. David shifted the basket so that he could hold Samantha’s hand, and nodded his thanks to the driver. Leading her down the curvy paths through the lush gardens, they came to an area that was meant for public picnicking and chose a grassy area under a lovely red maple tree, its vast branches covering the area without shedding a leaf.
David placed the basket on the ground and took the blanket from Sam, loosening the straps and spreading the soft dark green and tan tartan over the lushly green ground, until a warm nest was created. It was quite large and provided more than enough room for both of them to spread out and get comfortable. Samantha did just that while David turned his attention to the large basket. He was surprised to see that it had a small table attached to the bottom of it. Unfastening it from the bottom of the basket, he set up the low wooden table and began to take items from the basket and place them on the table.
Samantha was giddy as she watched as David removed item after item, each one a favorite of hers. She was shocked and touched at the apparent care he had taken when planning the meal with the hotel. The basket held all the delights of the perfect fall picnic from hummus and pita to gazpacho with croutons to Caesar salad. There was a lovely bottle of Blanc du Bois White Merlot and two crystal glasses as well as fresh fruit salad and some small, decadent looking cakes.
Seeing the spread he had prepared. Samantha found her thoughts drifting back to that day at the market as realized that David remembered it too.
Settling back to lay against the tree, David opened his arms, inviting Samantha to cozy into the crook between his shoulder and body. She crawled over and took up residence there, relaxing into him and sighing deeply. She reached for his chest, the fine contours peaking through the undone buttons of his shirt. There was the dark edge of the Joker tattoo there and Samantha traced her fingers over what she could see.
“I really like this, it suits you…a little goofy with a touch of sinister thrown in for good measure”.” she said, continuing her gentle touching of him. “When did you get it?”
“Back in 1990, during a break in touring.” David placed his hand over hers. “Man, it hurt like you would not believe… all six and a half hours of it. I’m surprised that I ever got another one after that.” He made a face that was half memory of the pain and half silly David sarcasm, and Samantha couldn’t help but laugh between sips of wine.
The combination of the memory David invoked and the affects of the wine cause Samantha to sigh. She thought about all the time they had missed together, wanting to talk to him about it without getting to serious.
David could see the change in her mood right away. “Sammy? Is everything ok?” He reached for her hand and she allowed him to pull her just a little closer. “Whatcha thinking darlin?"
Samantha smiled brightly then, her eyes sparkling in the waning light of the evening. “Of course, I'm fine. How could I not be? Look how beautiful all this is!” She motioned around then, taking in the gardens as she tried to dodge his real question.
“It really is. Did you know that this used to be a palace for the French royalty before the inquisition?”
“No, I didn’t. How did you learn so much about Paris? I guess you've been here a lot”.
“I have, I really like it here.” He looked at her and could tell that whatever was bothering her a moment ago was still there and that she was trying to disguise it by changing the topic. “But you're changing the subject. I can tell something is on your mind. Tell me.
Samantha squeezed his hand “No really, it's nothing. Tell me what it was like when you were touring, back in the beginning. I bet that must have been amazing”.
David smirked at the thought. He wasn’t exactly sure if she was a fan -- her questioning sounded much more like she was truly interested rather than if she were a fan looking for a scoop. “It was wild, that’s for sure. I never expected the band to take off as fast and hard as it did. When Jon called me and asked me to come help with his single that was breaking, I don't think I could have imagined what the next 2 years would bring, let alone the next 20. It was wonderful, exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time. I really wouldn't change a thing, except one... I lost track of you.”
Samantha sighed. “Yeah. I always wondered what would have happened if...you know...”
She blushed.
“If what? Come on babe, tell me what you are thinking”
“Well...you know what I mean, it just seemed like we were really connected back then and for a while I really could see us ending up together. But then you got busy, and God knows I was too. I don't know, sometimes I think maybe we should have tried a little harder.”
This time it was David who sighed. “I know. Being on the road all the time was so hard. If we weren't performing, we were moving and there was really no way to tell you where you could find me. If only we had had cell phones and the internet then...”
“Yeah. I tried sending a few letters and they got returned. I even thought about trying to see you at a concert once. But once I got there and saw all those Madonna wanna-be girls trying to get backstage to all of you, I decided that there was no way I was going to be able to get to you.”
Shock registered on David’s face. Concert? When? Where? She had come to see them? "Oh Sammy, if only I had known. You would have been such a breath of fresh air compared to all those girls, and I hope you know that I really would have loved to see you.”
Samantha let out a small laugh. “l wouldn't have even known where to start. I can’t imagine what did those girls were willing to do to get backstage any way.”
David laughed deep in his belly then. "Those girls were not interested in me for the most part, I can tell you that much. But hey, I didn't know you were a fan. Have you been following us all this time?”
“Oh I don't believe that for a second. I bet you had girls throwing themselves at you. And I wouldn't say I’v
e been "following" you exactly, but I have seen a couple of shows over the years. I’ve always been so proud of you though, from the time when everything took off the way it did until now. It’s like my own little secret and I’ve never even told my friends that are die hard fans that I knew you when. Personally, I think it was you and what you did on keyboards that made Bon Jovi stand out from all the other bands back then.”“Well you know me, I love to play. And truly a guy couldn't ask for a better or more talented group of guys than Jon, Richie, Tico and Huey. They really are like brothers to me, and so freakin talented. But enough about me. Tell me about what your life has been like. Obviously you graduated and are very successful now. But how come you never married?” David reached over to run his finger through Samantha’s hair, looking deep into her eyes then, trying to anticipate her answer.
Several long moments passed as Samantha tried to decide how to answer his question. She didn’t want to seem like a silly schoolgirl who had spent the last 20 years pining away for him, but the truth was that in some ways that was exactly what she had done.
“I was engaged to a guy for a while but I ended up calling it off. I think he had this idea that once we got married I'd turn into the perfect little suburban housewife and I could never really see myself doing that. Besides, my job can be so demanding sometimes, there hasn't been a ton of time for getting serious with anyone.” She paused then before deciding to keep answering. “However, the other part of it is that you were a pretty tough act to follow.” She blushed and fidgeted with the hem of her blouse. “How long were you married?”
“I got married in 1990. It was a rough time for the band and we very nearly broke up. I went home to Edison and re-met April and thought that she would be able to fill the void I was feeling then. We managed to keep it together for 14 years. But ultimately, the touring and all my other projects got in the way.”
“I'm sorry. That must be hard, with the kids and everything.”
“Yeah, but kids are incredibly resilient ya know. They are used to me being on the road so in that way it's not too different. I just wish April and I could get along better for their sake.”
“Would you change anything? I mean, if you had it to do over?” She cocked her head waiting for an answer.
“Well, I wouldn't if it meant not having my kids, but other than that there is only one thing I would change”. David paused then, reaching for both of Samantha’s hands and giving her a soft, lingering kiss before whispering in her ear, “I wouldn't have lost you.”
David could feel Samantha’s smile. "Well” she replied quietly into his ear, “we can't change the past... but we are here together now."
A Note to my Devoted Readers
... and you must be devoted to be still reading after all of this time.
RL gets in the way sometimes and mine lately has been kickin my ass. My sincerest gratitude in sticking by me and understanding, and my sincerest applogies for making you wait so long.
RL gets in the way sometimes and mine lately has been kickin my ass. My sincerest gratitude in sticking by me and understanding, and my sincerest applogies for making you wait so long.
Chapter Six

As Samantha made arrangements to check out of her room, David was making arrangements of another kind. He spoke with the concierge to arrange for an elaborate picnic dinner that was to be packed into the car that would take them from the hotel that evening. David glanced once again at the brochure he had picked up at the museum earlier, once again reading the description that had captured his attention.
The Tuileries are the largest and oldest public park in Paris. Their official incorporation into the Musée du Louvre on January 1, 2005, reestablished the historic coherence of the vast royal palace and its grounds. The gardens were an integral part of the palatial scheme created by the kings of France. With their landscaping, vistas, and sculptures, they provide the perfect complement to the buildings. The preservation of this exceptional historic monument and the interlinking of the Tuileries and Carrousel gardens have made it possible to bring a major art form—that of landscape design—into the Louvre.
He handed the brochure to the concierge, thanking her for making all the arrangements and handing her a generous tip before walking back to the front desk where Samantha was just finishing her conversation. Letting the desk manager know that she would be joining him in his suite for the rest of their stay, he asked for an additional key to the suite to be given to her.
Excusing herself to go and pack up her things, Samantha turned and kissed David on the cheek, telling him that she would meet him in their suite in about twenty minutes. The desk manager told her that he would have a bellman there to move her belongings in that same amount of time. David made arrangements for all the charges from Samantha’s bill to be transferred to his, thanking the desk manager as he followed behind her.
Excusing herself to go and pack up her things, Samantha turned and kissed David on the cheek, telling him that she would meet him in their suite in about twenty minutes. The desk manager told her that he would have a bellman there to move her belongings in that same amount of time. David made arrangements for all the charges from Samantha’s bill to be transferred to his, thanking the desk manager as he followed behind her.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help” he inquired as they stepped onto the elevator.
“No, that’s ok. I really barely had the chance to unpack so this should take no time at all. Why don’t you go relax, pour us some wine and I’ll be up in a couple of minutes”.
The door opened on her floor as she kissed him soundly and walked away down the hall
David, in the meantime, returned to their suite, grabbing the newspaper that he found waiting on the entryway table and decided to settle on the balcony to wait for Sam. The day was bright and clear with just the hint of breeze in the air. The ample terrace of the suite was furnished with a small wrought iron table and two cushioned chairs on one side and a double chaise lounge on the other. The view was spectacular as David looked down upon the hundreds of people scurrying up and down the Champs Elisse, ducking in and out of shops and bistros and generally just enjoying their days. He sat on the chaise, allowing himself to relax and read the paper.
Samantha had her things packed in short order and, waiting for the bellman to arrive, thought back upon the last 36 hours. She had looked so forward to this trip but never in her wildest dreams had she ever considered that it would take the turn that it had. A small smile appeared on her lips as she thought about the beautiful man that was waiting for her upstairs. She was slightly taken aback at how her heart hurt to be away from him even for this short amount of time but refused to allow herself to question their behavior or decisions.
She started to think about the “what-if’s” that she knew would have to come at the end of the trip, but pushed them to the back of her mind, refusing to let any sort of a dark cloud get in the way of the next couple of weeks. She stood on the balcony of her room, looking out over all the people below who were enjoying their days, whether they be on vacation or residents of this beautiful city, and couldn’t help but smile. Just as she was allowing the daydream to overtake her, she heard the buzzer of her suite and, grabbing her laptop bag and pocketbook, let the bellman in to retrieve the rest of her belongings. They made their way to the elevator and up to David’s floor where she let them both in to the suite. Leaving her items and accepting the tip she offered, the bellman closed the door behind him as Sam went in search of David.
Samantha figured that she would find him on the balcony since the wide French doors were open. As she walked past the baby grand piano, a smile and a slight flush overtook her face as she thought about the night before. Walking out toward the city, she found him relaxed and reading on the chaise and walked around to join him there. A wide smile spread across his face when he saw her arrive and then sit and his mind could not help but think that now she was all his and that he was going to do everything within his power to make sure they never had to be apart again.
As Samantha walked out onto the terrace she giggling at the idea that both she and David had gone straight for their respective balconies even when they were in separate rooms. Now that they were together, she smiled as she sat next to him on the double-sized chaise, leaning in to give him a small kiss.
“All moved in” he quipped, winking at her playfully.
“Yup. You’re stuck with me now” she replied with the same devilish wink back at him.
“Oh, I’ll show you who’s stuck with who, you little vixen” he said as he dropped the paper he was previously reading onto the ground and rolling over on top of her.
He planted a slow, deep kiss onto her pink lips, taking notice of the taste of mint and lime that seemed to be present there. Using his tongue to part her lips, he delved even deeper, tasting her fully. He ran his tongue against the edges of her teeth and then plunged again deeper. He couldn’t get enough of her taste.
He shifted then so that she was more in the middle of the chaise and he used his knee to nudge her legs apart so that he could sit back on his knees in between her legs. He looked deep into her eyes.
“I’ve missed you Sammy. I know it sounds strange, but I’ve thought of you so much over the years. I wish I had tried harder to find you”. The sincerity in his eyes was overwhelming to her, and she felt quick tears form at the corner of her eyes.
“I’ve missed you too David. I know we were so young back then, but I think deep inside there just wasn’t anyone I wanted nearly as much as I have always wanted you”. She stopped then, not wanting to sound so serious. She didn’t want him to feel trapped in any way. Whatever was going to happen would happen in the next few weeks and she was trying hard not to think beyond that.
David leaned into her then, beginning at her waist and running his fingers over her soft skin, lifting her shirt as he went. He planted kisses along her abdomen, running his tongue around her belly button and he made his way up her body. She felt herself shiver as he continued his way up, lifting her arms to remove the shirt from her body and then sitting back briefly to remove his own. Continuing his quest to taste ever square inch of her body, he took her arm and, turning it over so that the underside was exposed to him, kissed and licked his way from her wrist to the inside of her elbow and on up toward her underarm. He smelt her perfume again, the same scent as the night before but much lighter this time. He marveled at how it made his sit up and take notice, noting that no scent had ever had this effect on him before and, for that matter, no woman had had this effect on him either. He wanted her so badly that he felt as though he would simply self-combust if he didn’t take her right then and there.
Just then a commotion from the street below caught Sam’s attention and her eyes flew open and caught David’s with a questioning glance.
“Um, honey. There are people just below us, don’t you think they can see everything we are doing up here”.
David continued to kiss her, making his way back toward her very hard, very sexy nipples. He took one in his mouth, running his tongue around and around it, breaking only slightly to answer her inquiry.
“Do you really care? Because I don’t, but I will stop right now if you are uncomfortable” he mumbled as he caressed her other breast as he continued his oral assault on the first one.
Samantha’s eyes closed, her head thrown back in ecstasy. A slow, low moan escaped from deep inside her. She didn’t care about anything at that moment except how it felt to have David taking her right then and there.
Samantha’s eyes closed, her head thrown back in ecstasy. A slow, low moan escaped from deep inside her. She didn’t care about anything at that moment except how it felt to have David taking her right then and there.
David took Sammy’s hands and helped her to stand so that he could more easily remove the clothing she was still wearing even as he was removing his shirt and pants as well. As they both stood, naked in front of all of Paris, David’s passion and need grew even more, a feat he hadn’t thought possible until that moment. Placing his hand on the small of her back, he laid her back onto the chaise at an angle this time.
Once she was down, he kneeled before her, pushing her legs apart to reveal her very wet, very swollen and very gorgeous lips for him to see. He bent his head then, blowing ever so lightly on her clit, causing Sam to scream. David smiled, liking that reaction so much that he did it again and again. After the third scream, he used the very tip of his tongue to taste her, teasing her with the blows on her ever growing, even more sensitive button. Samantha’s hands reached down to try and grab his face, but he backed away so that she couldn’t reach him.
“Oh no you don’t” he answered with a teasing tone in his voice. “I’m enjoying this way too much and you are just going to have to lay back and enjoy it.” He decided to tease her a little and added, “Just think about it Sammy. How many people down there do you think can hear you moaning and screaming my name? Give in to it, I promise it will all be worth it”.
Samantha smiled, feeling just a little bit naughty and a whole lotta sexy. She parted her legs even farther then, deciding that he was right and she was going to enjoy every single second of his sweet torture. David, even more encouraged by her willingness, gave in then to give her what she was really asking for. He delved his tongue into her, parting her lips as he licked and tasted her. Her fists had once again tried to find his hair and when they did this time, she fisted his curls tightly, tangling her fingers into his thick, blonde locks. He continued his assault on her senses, looking up as she moaned louder and louder, her head rocking back and forth on the chaise.
“You like that baby, don’t you” he said rhetorically, even as he continued to bite lightly at her swollen clit. He added his fingers to the mix then, pressing one into her and then pulling it out before adding another and another. He turned his hand so that his fingertips could reach up to stroke her G spot and when he did she screamed his name so loud that the crowds on the street below most surely had to wonder what was going on up on that balcony.
In and out he pumped his fingers, watching her was she writhed in response to his every touch. Building and building the feeling within her, he knew immediately when she started to go over the edge because her walls tightened even more around his fingers. He withdrew them then, making Samantha temporarily whimper before replacing his fingers with his mouth and instantaneously causing her to scream even louder as she tumbled over the edge.
David moved up Samantha’s body slowly, placing gentle kisses along the way to allow her to come down from her high. As he reached her mouth he kissed her soundly, using his tongue to hydrate her lips that were dry from her moaning. Just as her breathing began to normalize, David moved Sam so that she was lying straight on the chaise now and he nudged her legs apart once more. Thanking his mental forethought at having a condom in his pants pocket, he quickly sheathed himself and moved so that he lay over her, the tip of his harder than hard cock sitting just at her opening.
“Oh Sammy, I can’t get enough of you” he said as he slid himself into her, slowly once in and out, slowly again in and out before ramming himself as far as he could go and staying there. Not moving for a few moments, their bodies taking a moment to conform to one another, David propped himself on one elbow, taking one nipple into his mouth, his hair hanging toward her a tickling the skin around her chest. He didn’t want to rush this but his need for her had been building for the entire time they had been out on the balcony. He moved inside her, his hips swiveling from side to side and his ass tight as could be as he tried to control his motions.
The combination of these actions had Sam well on her way to another orgasm as she lifted her hips toward him to encourage his movements. It was as if they were meant to be this way as they continued to compliment each other in their actions and movements. After several long moment, both could feel that the other was beginning to peak and their actions picked up speed and intensity. David’s long shaft moved in and out, causing Sam’s hips to move even more quickly to meet him. As her soft walls began once again to contract, this time around his quite swollen and ready cock, David and Sam both let out simultaneous screams as they went over the edge, neither of them remembering or even caring that they could most likely be seen and heard by the passersby on the street below.
As his breathing began to normalize, David moved off of Samantha, making quick work of the condom. He nuzzled to her side and pulled her into a deep hug, kissing her neck just below her ear as they both fell asleep for a few moment there in the warm Paris sun.
Chapter Five
As the sun peaked through the darkening shades of the bedroom, Samantha started to stir.
She had had the most wonderful dream! She’d dreamed of David, and that hadn’t happened in years. Oh, he was always there, ever-present in her brain, like a Greek god on a pedestal that nobody could touch. But he had been so long ago for her, and she wondered why, after all this time, that he had come back into her dreams so strongly.
As she emerged from the fog of sleep, it didn’t take long for the memories of the previous day to come flooding back to her as she turned to look at David sleeping so peacefully next to her, his blond curls a tussled mess around his face, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm that told her he was still soundly asleep. Oh my goodness she thought, it wasn’t a dream at all. She was here, in Paris, with David! She slid quietly out of bed and after locating a robe hanging in the closet, headed to the bathroom to wash her face and take care of a few other personal things, returning quickly to the room where she found that he was still breathing deeply.
Samantha walked out to the living room in search of a coffee maker but, finding none, decided to call down to room service. While on the phone she glanced toward the baby grand as a flood of memories of the night before came rushing back to her at full speed. There on the floor was her dress, her shoes and David’s clothes, all tangled together in such a way that she started to feel wet just thinking about their night together. Samantha was lost in her thoughts until she heard a light tap on the door and the beckoning of “room service”. After receiving the items, she knew exactly what she should do.
Feeling more than a little randy, Sam entered the bedroom once again and crawled back into bed, reaching below the covers to find David’s morning erection. She began stroking him. Softly at first, she slid her hand up and down his shaft causing him to twitch a little, but still not waking him fully. She kissed his lips gently and watched as he licked his lips in response, a smile invading whatever dream he was having.
She continued stroking him, increasing the speed and pressure with which her hand moved. She kissed the Joker and his abdomen then, just before dipping her head farther down, below the sheets, to take him into her mouth. She started at the tip, licking and sucking slowly up and down his stiff cock before relaxing her throat and taking his entire length, one inch at a time, into her mouth. Up and down she moved, using her lips and tongue to say good morning to him properly.
David was dreaming. The beautiful woman was giving him the blow job to end all blow jobs and he was smiling and relaxed in ways he hadn’t felt in more years then he cared to imagine. April had never enjoyed this kind of intimacy and so it wasn’t something he was accustomed to. This particular dream was so vivid! He moaned as his body reacted to her movements, not quite sure then if he was awake or asleep but knowing that either way he didn’t want to miss a thing. He groaned and stretched, bucking his hips to gently encourage her movements.
Suddenly, his eyes shot open!
This was NOT a dream. It was Samantha and she was quite intent on the task at hand. She noticed that he was now awake, taking a break from having her mouth full of him.
“Well good morning, you. Sleep well?” she said with an evil grin as she headed back down where she wanted to be.
“Oh no, no no no you don’t. Get back up here, woman,” he said with an evil glint in his still sleepy eyes. “I want in on this party, not just to be a spectator.” He coaxed her up so that they were face to face, kissing her deeply, his tongue feeling as if he could touch the back of her throat, tasting himself on her breath.
Suddenly wide awake, he turned the tables on her, flipping her quickly over so that she was lying on her back and straddling her waist so that she couldn’t move. He reached down to run his fingers through her soft fold, flicking her clit as he went and smiling at how wet she already was and at her gasp of pleasure.
Reaching for a condom, David sheathed himself and entered her fully in what seemed like one fluid motion. He moved quickly and with much more force than the night before, this morning sex was the fast, hot and heavy kind. David pulled himself almost all the way out of her, causing her eyes to go wide and her breath to catch, pleading for more without uttering a word. He complied with her unspoken request by slamming back into her and repeating this motion over and over until she began to lose all track of time and place. She lifted her hips off the bed, matching his movement stroke for stroke until she couldn’t hold on any longer.
Seeing that she was close to the edge, David encouraged her.
“Sammy, open your eyes. I want to watch you explode into a million pieces,” he said in a low, guttural voice from the back of his throat. She complied with his request, locking gazes with him as his thrusts increased in urgency.
“David!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as she headed over the edge, never breaking the lock his eyes had on her.
He slowed his movements slightly to allow her to regain a monochrome of sanity, giving her a moment to her to catch her breath before resuming the pace from before. This time he was going to go with her over the edge. He grabbed her hands, lifting them above her head and holding on as if his very life depended on it. Moments later she was screaming again and so was he as they both spilled over the edge and into oblivion.
“A man could get used to waking up like this,” David whispered in her ear jokingly as they both came back to reality.
She just smiled. Inside, she couldn’t have agreed more, hoping that she would get the chance to wake up with him again tomorrow.
“What would you like to do today?” he said to her then, hoping that she was willing to include her in whatever plans she had.
She thought about her previous “pre-David” plans, hoping he would be interested in what she was thinking.
“I was thinking of going to The Louvre” she said. “Interested?”
He nodded. He had already planned to spend some time walking the halls of that magnificent museum.
“But let’s get some breakfast first,” he said. “Suddenly, I’m starving!”
“Done. It’s waiting in the other room. Come on, there’s coffee too” she said with a wink and a flick of her head. “We can sit for a few minutes and plan out our day”.
David stood in the steaming shower, letting the water relax his body as his mind continued to race a mile a minute. How could he have gotten so lucky, running into his precious Sammy after all these years? They had only been together that one summer, but David had never forgotten her. Oh, there had been countless women over the years, especially when the band was on the road. Then he had met and married April and thought for awhile that he had found the same kind of happiness that he had had with Samantha. Of course, April had broken his heart when she announced that she wanted a divorce and a sense of hopelessness had invaded David’s psyche. It was that feeling that brought him to Paris in the first place. And Paris had brought him back into the arms of his first love. He smiled.
Now that I’ve found her again, I cannot let her go.
He hadn’t even wanted to let her go long enough to return to her room to get cleaned up and changed. He’d finally had to relent because obviously she hadn’t had any other clothes in his room, but he vowed to himself that that would change before the day was through. He had no intention of sleeping alone as long as they were here together. Now all he had to do was convince her.
Exiting the shower, David dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans and a beige t-shirt with some sort of non-descript pattern. Making sure he had everything he needed for the day, he headed down to the lobby to meet up with Sam.
Hailing a taxi, David and Samantha headed toward the Louvre, unquestionably the most famous museum in the entire world. Even with their early morning activities, they had still managed to leave the hotel early and were grateful to find that the line to get into the IM Pei pyramid was not as bad as either had read it could be.
After purchasing tickets to see the permanent exhibits, they headed toward the Mona Lisa, following the map they had been given through the 14th-15th century wing. It was really easy to get distracted as they walked, between David cracking jokes about what he “saw” in the painting and then alternately pulling her to him and giving her a quick kiss or inhaling the scent of her hair as they walked hand in hand.
Next they headed toward the statue of Aphrodite, David once again choosing to crack a smart-assed comment. “I don’t think we need to see the Goddess of Love, we did just fine on our own last night” he whispered in her ear from behind her while they stood near the famous statue. “Besides, she has no arms, what fun would that be if I didn’t have them to hold down over your head”. Samantha turned seven different shade of red then, turning and swatting at him over her shoulder.
They continued exploring the museum, taking in the Egyptian antiquities and the 18th century artwork that reminding David a lot of being at Jon’s estate.
After several hours of walking around, the couple decided they had had enough museum for one day and both longed to get outside into the gorgeous weather. After a quick stop in the gift shop to buy a souvenir, they decided to head out and find some lunch.
Nearby they found the Café le Nemours and, choosing a table outside, David and Sam had a leisurely meal of baked eggs with a side of arugula salad and warm baguettes with butter & raspberry jam. Both were still somewhat lost in the mysticism surrounding the circumstances that brought them together but both were equally happy to be there together. They touched each other always, whether it was by holding hands or playing “footsie” under the table. It seemed that neither could get enough of each other.
David broke the silence first by telling an old joke he had heard a long time ago.
“Do you know why, in Paris, they only eat one egg at a time?”
Sam gave him a very odd look, knowing David’s penchance for bad jokes, and just waited for the inevitable.
“Because in France, one egg is an oeuf!” he said, hitting the table in such a way that would make Tico cringe.
Samantha just shook her head and groaned.
He was still the joker that he had always been. She smiled inside; it was part of what had made her love him the first time around.
With the mood light, their appetites sated and the general air of bliss surrounding them both, David knew it was time to talk to Sam about his earlier thoughts.
“Sammy” he started, taking her hand once again and looking into her eyes. “I know that we just “found” each other again, and that things happened pretty quickly between us last night. But I don’t want to be away from you anymore. I want us to spend the rest of our vacations together, how would you feel about that?”
Samantha’s stomach felt as if the cast of Cirque du Soliel was rehearsing inside of her. She felt the exact same way but hadn’t wanted to presume anything and had therefore been hoping that David would broach the subject first.
“David, I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my…” she thought for a moment, wishing she could say life, a sly smile appearing on her face, “…vacation with you. Yes, I believe that would be perfect.”
“Then you’ll move your things into my room?” he added tentatively. “I mean, it seems silly to me to have two rooms if we intend on being together the whole time” he said, raising his eyebrows to give her a hopeful look”.
Samantha thought about this for just a quick moment. She knew he was right and was thrilled he had asked.
“Let me call them now and tell them I’ll be checking out of my room tonight.”
She had had the most wonderful dream! She’d dreamed of David, and that hadn’t happened in years. Oh, he was always there, ever-present in her brain, like a Greek god on a pedestal that nobody could touch. But he had been so long ago for her, and she wondered why, after all this time, that he had come back into her dreams so strongly.
As she emerged from the fog of sleep, it didn’t take long for the memories of the previous day to come flooding back to her as she turned to look at David sleeping so peacefully next to her, his blond curls a tussled mess around his face, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm that told her he was still soundly asleep. Oh my goodness she thought, it wasn’t a dream at all. She was here, in Paris, with David! She slid quietly out of bed and after locating a robe hanging in the closet, headed to the bathroom to wash her face and take care of a few other personal things, returning quickly to the room where she found that he was still breathing deeply.
Samantha walked out to the living room in search of a coffee maker but, finding none, decided to call down to room service. While on the phone she glanced toward the baby grand as a flood of memories of the night before came rushing back to her at full speed. There on the floor was her dress, her shoes and David’s clothes, all tangled together in such a way that she started to feel wet just thinking about their night together. Samantha was lost in her thoughts until she heard a light tap on the door and the beckoning of “room service”. After receiving the items, she knew exactly what she should do.
Feeling more than a little randy, Sam entered the bedroom once again and crawled back into bed, reaching below the covers to find David’s morning erection. She began stroking him. Softly at first, she slid her hand up and down his shaft causing him to twitch a little, but still not waking him fully. She kissed his lips gently and watched as he licked his lips in response, a smile invading whatever dream he was having.
She continued stroking him, increasing the speed and pressure with which her hand moved. She kissed the Joker and his abdomen then, just before dipping her head farther down, below the sheets, to take him into her mouth. She started at the tip, licking and sucking slowly up and down his stiff cock before relaxing her throat and taking his entire length, one inch at a time, into her mouth. Up and down she moved, using her lips and tongue to say good morning to him properly.
David was dreaming. The beautiful woman was giving him the blow job to end all blow jobs and he was smiling and relaxed in ways he hadn’t felt in more years then he cared to imagine. April had never enjoyed this kind of intimacy and so it wasn’t something he was accustomed to. This particular dream was so vivid! He moaned as his body reacted to her movements, not quite sure then if he was awake or asleep but knowing that either way he didn’t want to miss a thing. He groaned and stretched, bucking his hips to gently encourage her movements.
Suddenly, his eyes shot open!
This was NOT a dream. It was Samantha and she was quite intent on the task at hand. She noticed that he was now awake, taking a break from having her mouth full of him.
“Well good morning, you. Sleep well?” she said with an evil grin as she headed back down where she wanted to be.
“Oh no, no no no you don’t. Get back up here, woman,” he said with an evil glint in his still sleepy eyes. “I want in on this party, not just to be a spectator.” He coaxed her up so that they were face to face, kissing her deeply, his tongue feeling as if he could touch the back of her throat, tasting himself on her breath.
Suddenly wide awake, he turned the tables on her, flipping her quickly over so that she was lying on her back and straddling her waist so that she couldn’t move. He reached down to run his fingers through her soft fold, flicking her clit as he went and smiling at how wet she already was and at her gasp of pleasure.
Reaching for a condom, David sheathed himself and entered her fully in what seemed like one fluid motion. He moved quickly and with much more force than the night before, this morning sex was the fast, hot and heavy kind. David pulled himself almost all the way out of her, causing her eyes to go wide and her breath to catch, pleading for more without uttering a word. He complied with her unspoken request by slamming back into her and repeating this motion over and over until she began to lose all track of time and place. She lifted her hips off the bed, matching his movement stroke for stroke until she couldn’t hold on any longer.
Seeing that she was close to the edge, David encouraged her.
“Sammy, open your eyes. I want to watch you explode into a million pieces,” he said in a low, guttural voice from the back of his throat. She complied with his request, locking gazes with him as his thrusts increased in urgency.
“David!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as she headed over the edge, never breaking the lock his eyes had on her.
He slowed his movements slightly to allow her to regain a monochrome of sanity, giving her a moment to her to catch her breath before resuming the pace from before. This time he was going to go with her over the edge. He grabbed her hands, lifting them above her head and holding on as if his very life depended on it. Moments later she was screaming again and so was he as they both spilled over the edge and into oblivion.
“A man could get used to waking up like this,” David whispered in her ear jokingly as they both came back to reality.
She just smiled. Inside, she couldn’t have agreed more, hoping that she would get the chance to wake up with him again tomorrow.
“What would you like to do today?” he said to her then, hoping that she was willing to include her in whatever plans she had.
She thought about her previous “pre-David” plans, hoping he would be interested in what she was thinking.
“I was thinking of going to The Louvre” she said. “Interested?”
He nodded. He had already planned to spend some time walking the halls of that magnificent museum.
“But let’s get some breakfast first,” he said. “Suddenly, I’m starving!”
“Done. It’s waiting in the other room. Come on, there’s coffee too” she said with a wink and a flick of her head. “We can sit for a few minutes and plan out our day”.
David stood in the steaming shower, letting the water relax his body as his mind continued to race a mile a minute. How could he have gotten so lucky, running into his precious Sammy after all these years? They had only been together that one summer, but David had never forgotten her. Oh, there had been countless women over the years, especially when the band was on the road. Then he had met and married April and thought for awhile that he had found the same kind of happiness that he had had with Samantha. Of course, April had broken his heart when she announced that she wanted a divorce and a sense of hopelessness had invaded David’s psyche. It was that feeling that brought him to Paris in the first place. And Paris had brought him back into the arms of his first love. He smiled.
Now that I’ve found her again, I cannot let her go.
He hadn’t even wanted to let her go long enough to return to her room to get cleaned up and changed. He’d finally had to relent because obviously she hadn’t had any other clothes in his room, but he vowed to himself that that would change before the day was through. He had no intention of sleeping alone as long as they were here together. Now all he had to do was convince her.
Exiting the shower, David dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans and a beige t-shirt with some sort of non-descript pattern. Making sure he had everything he needed for the day, he headed down to the lobby to meet up with Sam.
Hailing a taxi, David and Samantha headed toward the Louvre, unquestionably the most famous museum in the entire world. Even with their early morning activities, they had still managed to leave the hotel early and were grateful to find that the line to get into the IM Pei pyramid was not as bad as either had read it could be.
After purchasing tickets to see the permanent exhibits, they headed toward the Mona Lisa, following the map they had been given through the 14th-15th century wing. It was really easy to get distracted as they walked, between David cracking jokes about what he “saw” in the painting and then alternately pulling her to him and giving her a quick kiss or inhaling the scent of her hair as they walked hand in hand.
Next they headed toward the statue of Aphrodite, David once again choosing to crack a smart-assed comment. “I don’t think we need to see the Goddess of Love, we did just fine on our own last night” he whispered in her ear from behind her while they stood near the famous statue. “Besides, she has no arms, what fun would that be if I didn’t have them to hold down over your head”. Samantha turned seven different shade of red then, turning and swatting at him over her shoulder.
They continued exploring the museum, taking in the Egyptian antiquities and the 18th century artwork that reminding David a lot of being at Jon’s estate.
After several hours of walking around, the couple decided they had had enough museum for one day and both longed to get outside into the gorgeous weather. After a quick stop in the gift shop to buy a souvenir, they decided to head out and find some lunch.
Nearby they found the Café le Nemours and, choosing a table outside, David and Sam had a leisurely meal of baked eggs with a side of arugula salad and warm baguettes with butter & raspberry jam. Both were still somewhat lost in the mysticism surrounding the circumstances that brought them together but both were equally happy to be there together. They touched each other always, whether it was by holding hands or playing “footsie” under the table. It seemed that neither could get enough of each other.
David broke the silence first by telling an old joke he had heard a long time ago.
“Do you know why, in Paris, they only eat one egg at a time?”
Sam gave him a very odd look, knowing David’s penchance for bad jokes, and just waited for the inevitable.
“Because in France, one egg is an oeuf!” he said, hitting the table in such a way that would make Tico cringe.
Samantha just shook her head and groaned.
He was still the joker that he had always been. She smiled inside; it was part of what had made her love him the first time around.
With the mood light, their appetites sated and the general air of bliss surrounding them both, David knew it was time to talk to Sam about his earlier thoughts.
“Sammy” he started, taking her hand once again and looking into her eyes. “I know that we just “found” each other again, and that things happened pretty quickly between us last night. But I don’t want to be away from you anymore. I want us to spend the rest of our vacations together, how would you feel about that?”
Samantha’s stomach felt as if the cast of Cirque du Soliel was rehearsing inside of her. She felt the exact same way but hadn’t wanted to presume anything and had therefore been hoping that David would broach the subject first.
“David, I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my…” she thought for a moment, wishing she could say life, a sly smile appearing on her face, “…vacation with you. Yes, I believe that would be perfect.”
“Then you’ll move your things into my room?” he added tentatively. “I mean, it seems silly to me to have two rooms if we intend on being together the whole time” he said, raising his eyebrows to give her a hopeful look”.
Samantha thought about this for just a quick moment. She knew he was right and was thrilled he had asked.
“Let me call them now and tell them I’ll be checking out of my room tonight.”
Chapter Four

Samantha sipped the champagne slowly, not wanting the bubbles to tickle her nose and make her sneeze. Once David drained his glass, he took the strawberry and held it to her lips. She bit into it playfully, causing juices to trickle down the side of her mouth towards her chin. David caught the drizzle by kissing Sam’s chin, making his way back up the side of her face slowly with a combination of licks and kisses that was driving her crazy.
She returned his kisses, nuzzling from the front of his neck to the back, running her fingers through his curly locks and kissing him sweetly. She was feeling just slightly light headed, her emotions taking over and her inhibitions gone out the window, and it was then that an idea hit her. She whispered into his ear. “What’s a girl gotta do to get you to play a little for me?” Her voice was low and sexy and caused shivers to shoot through David’s body, covering him in goosebumps.
She could feel his grin long before she actually saw it. David took her by the hands and led her over to the piano bench. He loved to play more than anything and wanted the chance to try out the gorgeous piano in the suite. He kissed her lightly before closing his eyes and laying his fingers silently on the keys for a few moments as he gathered his thoughts. He started to play, the melody soft and haunting, permeating every pore of Samantha’s psyche. She watched as his nimble fingers played lightly over the keys, feeling herself growing more and more aroused, imagining those fingers playing over her body.
Turning to him, her gaze liquid and slumberous, she said softly, "That was so beautiful. Thank you." He looked down at her, his heart pounding as he recognized the look in her eyes. It may have been years since he'd seen it, but it was unmistakable.
He raised his hand, fisting it into her hair to gently pull her towards him. This time, when their lips met it was like an immediate fire had touched them both and they both pulled back for a brief moment, almost as if the feeling had shocked them simultaneously. When they came back together, his tongue prodded her lips lightly until hers parted and he was able to dive in the way he wanted. She tasted so wonderful, a mix of champagne, berries and her own natural taste, and it was almost too much to handle. He forced himself to break the kiss and sat back, feeling the need to speak.
“Sammy,” he started, “I want to be with you so much right now and I think you feel the same way. But I don’t want you to think that I’m just interested in some one night fling. I’d never treat you like that. Please, will you stay with me?” his voice was slightly shaky but sincere, his eyes never leaving their locked position on her face.
With just a smile, Samantha turned her whole body to face him on the piano bench. She unbuttoned his shirt slowly, causing it to fall backwards off his shoulders, baring The Joker tattoo that was emblazoned on his right pec. A small grin appeared then on her face as she traced the design with her fingers, admiring the detail and handiwork of whomever it was that created it for him. She bent her head to kiss it lightly several times, using her tongue to arouse David even more. She moved to the other side of his chest and marveled in the way that he was slightly hairy on one side but smooth on the other. The best of both worlds she thought to herself.
David was barely in control of his senses at this point and her kisses were driving him to distraction. Grabbing her hair once again he coaxed her up from where she was teasing his chest and kissed her soundly as they stood, David pushing the piano bench out of the way.
Her turned her then and pushed her back against the piano, the keys sounding in an odd but strangely erotic timbre as her back hit them. He reached around to untie the dress at the neck, causing it to fall to her waist and bare her breasts as he pressed his chest against hers. He started kissing her then, beginning at her hairline and working his way down slowly… ears, neck, shoulder, lips, throat, chest, arm and finally to her hard nipples. He took her into his mouth, sucking with the hunger of a man who had been hunting for much too long without finding the sustenance that he craved.
His tongue ran circles around first her left and then right nipple while his hands caressed her back and the keys continued playing their erotic love song.
Samantha was pushed back against the piano, her back arched as he urgently tickled and teased her nipples. His hands felt so good on her back, warm and soft in spite of the ever-present calluses from his playing. Her eyes were closed, her hair hanging back as she fell deeper and deeper into the erotic world they were creating.
David ‘s hands found the zipper of the dress at the small of her back and undid it with ease, causing the dress to fall to the ground with just a small move away from the keys of the piano. The sight he saw at that moment… Samantha splayed against the instrument, wearing nothing but a black g-string and her silver sandals, was almost too much for David to handle. He wanted to be inside her and he knew this first time was not going to be slow and romantic, but he vowed to himself that he would make it up to her later.
He broke his hold on her then, needing to find protection but not wanting her to move from her place on the piano.
“Wait right there,” he motioned, palm outstretched urgently. “I’ll be back in a moment.” Heading for the bedroom, he hoped that he still had what he needed in his dop kit and was very happy when he found them, tucking them into the front pocket of his pants and returning to Samantha in the other room.
Taking her face in his hands, one on either side, he tilted hers to one side and his to the other as he pressed his tongue into her mouth urgently, once again taking in the taste of her which he could not get enough of, stopping briefly only to nibble at her bottom lip playfully.
Samantha reached for David’s pants, deciding that he had way too many clothes on in comparison to her. As she undid the button and zipper, the loose-fitting slacks hit the floor, leaving David in nothing but a pair of silk black boxers. She started to kiss him again, starting at his adams apple and making her way to his chest, visiting The Joker once again on her way down. She continued pressing kisses to his abdomen, following his little treasure trail down toward his boxers that were doing nothing to hide his arousal. She just grazed his erection teasingly as she continued kissing her way down him…down one leg and up the other until his knees nearly gave way beneath him. On the way back up, she cupped his sac with one hand and kissed his shaft through the silk of his boxers, causing a deep, guttural groan to emanate through his entire body. She continued her way back up his body, keeping her hand in place, kneading and tickling him the entire time.
As she stood back up, David grabbed her by the hand, unable to wait another moment while she pleasured him. He needed to taste her. Walking her to the back side of the piano, he twisted his finger into her g-string, causing it to pull away from her body so that he could slip it down her legs and away. Then he started his exploration of her, once again starting at the nape of her neck and making his way down her entire body with his tongue. When he got to the light hair at the top of her sweet spot he stopped suddenly, looking up at her with the eyes of a demon possessed. In one quick, fluid movement he stood, grabbed her at the waist and lifted her to sit on the back of the piano, causing her to gasp, and giving him greater access to her warmth and wetness. But first he teased her, kissing her legs from top to bottom. When he got to her feet her carefully unbuckled her sandals and tossed them to the side, allowing him to kiss the bottoms of her feet and take each of her toes into his mouths seductively. Continuing his journey northward toward the prize he knew was waiting for him, he made sure to stop and lick the backs of her knees as he passed them, inhaling the scent of her perfume once again.
She thought she was going to come unglued!
As his assault on her senses continued and he made his way up her thighs, David’s gaze rarely left Samantha’s face, her passion and desire growing deeper as the color of her eyes darkened in response to everything he was doing. He stood all the way up then and moved between her legs and closer to the piano to kiss her deeply on the mouth again, biting at her lips and tangling with her tongue in such a way that told her what she was about to experience. He stopped, gazed once more deep into her eyes, pushed her back gently so that she was lying prone over the back of the piano and then ducked his head between her legs.
Touching the tips of his finger to her swollen clit, he was surprised to find how wet and sensitive she was. She drew her breath in and arched her back the moment he touched her, grabbing futilely for something to hold onto but finding nothing on the smooth surface of the piano. He ran his finger down, into her soft folds, feeling even more the extent of her desire for him. He dipped his finger all the way into her, causing a loud gasp to escape her throat.
“Oh God David!” were the only words she could manage.
He kept going, adding another finger, turning them until the tips found her G spot, making her loud gasps turn immediately into low, rumbling, non-verbal mewing.
God! He knows exactly where to touch me, she thought incoherently.
In and out and in and out his fingers went, causing her to twist and turn her head and body as she got closer and closer to tumbling over the edge.
Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he stopped, pulling his fingers out of her slowly. She cried out as if in agony, trying to focus her eyes so that she could look at him. When his face came into focus she watched as he inserted his fingers into his mouth, his tongue lapping at her juices left there. Her eyes caught his and she saw that they were dark with passion, a playfully evil glint showing through in the corner.
Not wanting to let her come too far down from her place on the edge of oblivion, he took her hands in his as he dipped his head between her thighs and sent his tongue where his fingers had been just moments before.
Within a matter of moments, the feel of his warm mouth against her wet and very swollen lips drove her up and over the edge, screaming as she went, her breathing labored and sweat having formed between her breasts and on her abdomen. He stood, kissing all the way up her body until he stood close enough to her to bring her up into a sitting position, holding her close as she came slowly back to earth.
Once her breathing was somewhat normal again, he lifted her up and off the piano and he carried her into the bedroom. Laying her down on her back, he quickly went back to the other room to retrieve the items he had put into his pocket earlier. Entering the bedroom once again, he found that she was sitting up, propped against some pillows. Her eyes were still mostly lost in passion and she had the most beautiful smile on her face.
As he approached the bed, she sat up, scooting to the edge of the bed and reaching for his silk boxers, which appeared as if they would bust their seams any moment now due to his ever-growing desire. Taking them by the edge, she pulled them down and off of him in one quick movement. She took in the look of him, totally naked in front of her for the first time since they were, well.. teenagers really, and marveled at how gorgeous he really was. He was in amazing shape and it showed everywhere.
He pulled her up to stand, so close to her now that the tip of his manhood grazed against her warm, wet folds. She was so beautiful, exactly as he remembered only better. She had aged very well. He ran his hands through her tussled hair and pulled her in for a long, slow lingering kiss.
He wanted to be inside her more than anything.. Pushing her back against the pillows, he joined her on the bed, sitting on his knees. He quickly grabbed at one of the condoms that he had set on the bedside table and sheathed himself. Positioning himself between her open and inviting thighs, he pushed himself gently inside her, just a little at first, pulling out and then pushing in a little farther each time until he was deep within her, her walls contracting around his hardness. They kept their eyes locked on each other as they made love; a slow, gentle, tentative act that had both of them remembering the years long past and relishing this newfound time that they had together. As the tension inside them both began to build once again, their lovemaking became more urgent but no less tender, and he could see that she was on her way up and over the edge.
With a final, loud moan in unison, David and Samantha went together over the edge, his seed spilling as her walls contracted around him so tightly that he could think of nothing else, nobody else, except for that moment in time and how he really didn’t want it to end.
Making short work of the condom, he gathered Samantha into his arms, whispering into her ear.
“Sammy, you feel so good. Please stay, sleep with me rather than going back to your room?"
Turning to face him, lifting a hand to his cheek, she wrapped her other arm around him and pulled him close, instinctively recognizing the need for intimacy was as strong in him as it was in her.
"Of course," she breathed, "like you even have to ask."
Chapter Three

Walking back to his room, David flipped open his cell phone and hit speed dial to get his assistant. A wealth of information, Jenna could always be counted on to help with whatever he needed, especially in a pinch.
“Hey doll, how are things stateside?” he said as she picked up the receiver.
“All’s well Joker” she loved calling him that cause it made him laugh and she knew he could use all the laughs he could get recently. “I have a couple of messages for you, but I’m guessing that’s not why you are calling. What can I do ya for?”
“I need you to work your magic and get me a table at La Jules Verne tonight. 8:00pm. If anyone gives you a problem, ask to speak to Alain Ducasse, he’s the chef.
“D, I know who Alain is, I’m not a novice at this, ya know” she quipped. “What’s the occasion?”
“I met up with an old friend” he said, the wide smile on his face apparent in his voice over the phone.
“Well, well, well.” She said will a little bit of sass mixed with hopefulness. “You got it boss. I’ll call ya back in a few when I get it all arranged” she said and disconnected the line.
Arriving at his room, he made a call down to room service to arrange for a car service and to place an order for later, giving the concierge specific instructions of how and when he wanted the items delivered. He had just hung up the phone in his room when his cell phone began ringing.
“Hey Jen, s’up?” he said as he answered the phone.
“You’re all set for tonight, Alain was so excited to hear you were coming up to see him. Said he’ll take good care of you” she replied. They talked for a few more moments about the messages she had for him, taking notes as he told her how to respond.
“There’s one more thing. You got an invitation to a benefit that VH1 is throwing for the Save the Music program. It’s late next week and it’s in Rome. I guess they are interested in taking the program international. You know me, normally I wouldn’t bother you with this while you are on vacation, but since you are already in Europe, are ya interested?”
David thought about it for a moment. If things continued to progress with Sam, maybe he could talk her into accompanying him to Rome for a few days. She did say she was here for a couple of weeks, didn’t she?
“Call ‘em back and tell them I’m going to try to clear my schedule but don’t make any commitments just yet. I’ll let you know in a couple of days”. They chatted for a couple of more minutes before disconnecting the call.
“It was nearly 7:00pm and Samantha was putting on the finishing touches for the evening. She had showered and washed her hair, which had been up in a ponytail all day. Deciding to wear it down tonight, her soft reddish-blonde curls bounced playfully just below her shoulders. Her normally brown eyes were accented with green contact lenses and she wore just enough make-up to compliment but not overshadow her natural look. She was so glad she had packed a couple of dresses just in case, and was wearing a backless little black dress that tied at the neck and was very simple in the front. Accented with silver jewelry and silver sandals with a three inch heel, she stepped back from the mirror to take it all in, thinking she was pleased with the outcome. Classy with just a kick of sexy she thought to herself as she picked the bottle of Thierry Mugler’s Angel that she always travelled with, spraying it lightly behind her neck and knees.
She heard his knock on her door.
As she opened the door, what she found on the other side was nothing short of breathtaking. David had dressed in black dress pants and a pale pink button down shirt with the top two buttons undone. The shirt had French cuffs and he wore cufflinks with the faces of comedy and tragedy on them. He topped it off with a beautiful black jacket with the faintest hint of a silver pinstripe. He was holding a white rose that he handed to Samantha as he took her other hand, turned it over and placed a light kiss in the center of her palm.
Electricity shot through her like she had just been struck by lightning, causing her knees to feel as if they would give way any moment.
“You are gorgeous!” David said, smiling, as he stepped into the room. He made a spinning motion with his finger and she complied by turning for him but never took her eyes off of his. He couldn’t help but inhale her scent deeply. It was unlike anything he had ever smelled on a woman. He couldn’t explain it really, but it was like taking in a deep seated memory, something so familiar that it was part of his very psyche but at the same time new, exciting and full of promise. All he could think was that he wanted her more now then he ever had.
“You clean up pretty well yourself” she responded, taking him in again from head to toe. He had certainly turned up the charm factor a notch, not that she was complaining. She hadn’t wanted anyone as badly as she wanted David right now in longer than she could remember.
Heading for the elevator that would take them to the waiting car, David held Samantha’s hand like he had no intention of ever letting go. As they entered the elevator, David moved behind her, one hand at her waist and the other running her hand through her hair, once again inhaling her intoxicating scent. He nibbled at her neck just a little which made Samantha sigh as she relaxed into him.
It was now obvious to the both of them that each was interested in rekindling their long ago romance. The night was about to get much, much better!
Exciting the hotel, David was once again glad for the relative anonymity that allowed him to occasionally travel undetected when he wasn’t with the band. It was only a matter of time until someone caught a picture of him and then the “David girls” on Backstage got a hold of it. He knew, like the rest of the guys, that the “Jovi network” was strong and vast and that news shot through it like wildfire. However, for tonight at least, it seemed that he was safe from fans seeking pictures and autographs. He didn’t always mind that but he relished his privacy… and hers.
David led Sam into the car by the small of her back, following her as he verified with the driver where they were headed.
“Le Jules Verne, sil vous plais” David said to the driver holding open the car door for them.
“Where are we going?” Samantha asked, a hint of anticipation in her voice which made him smile.
“Trust me, baby” David answered, once again using an endearment that he had used with her so long ago. “I promise that this will be a night you won’t soon forget”.
Arriving at the base of the Eiffel Tower, Samantha sucked in her breathe as they exited the car. The sun was just beginning to set and the entire tower was awash with the light of the setting sun mixed with the lights on the tower itself. The effect was extraordinary.
“Let’s go! They are expecting us” David held Samantha’s hand in his while his other hand instinctively set itself on the small of her back as he led her to the lift that would take them up the tower to the second level.
As the couple entered the opulent surroundings of La Jules Verne, Samantha tried hard not to appear completely awe struck. She had read about the restaurants in the tower but had also read that reservations were always needed two months in advance, so she hadn’t even bothered. The maître de took them to a corner table right at the intersection of two windows that overlooked the outside of the tower and the city beyond. A small, flickering candle adorned the white linen covered table, set with gold and amber place settings. It was the most romantic place Samantha could imagine. Just as they were settling in, a robust man came barreling over with a bottle of wine in one hand, followed by a waiter with a bucket of ice.
“David, David… finally I get you into my restaurant”! David stood, shaking the man’s hand.
“Alain, my friend. It’s so good to see you. Allow me to introduce this beautiful lady to you.. this is Samantha Majors, a very old, very good friend”.
Alain took Samantha’s hands and placed a kiss on each of her cheeks. “I will make for you a special meal, if you will allow me” he said. They both smiled and agreed and as Alain went off to his kitchen, David and Samantha toasted to each other and drank the wine as they talked.
As they were waiting, she asked him to tell her more about being part of an internationally popular band like Bon Jovi. He was surprised to find that, while she knew about the band and their music, she wasn’t an overzealous, crazy fan, the likes of which followed them everywhere.
“Obviously, it’s been the best business decision I ever made. I’ve been blessed to do what I love and make money doing it while getting to travel the world and see things that most average Jersey boys don’t often get to see”. He told her about some of the ups and downs of their success, about how they almost broke up after the New Jersey tour in 1990 but were, thankfully, able to come out of that dark period and go on even better than before. He told her how his career almost came to an end when he nearly sliced off his finger with a circular saw, showing her the ever present scar that, he said, reminds him each day to be thankful for what he has.
Dinner was spectacular, every dish that Alain presented was better than the one before it. They ate poached lobster, veal w/ duck foie gras and potato soufflé and passion fruit sorbet for dessert. The two never took their eyes off one another throughout dinner, even taking turns feeding each other from the various dishes. David would take a bit of something and lick his lips enticingly, causing the electricity to return to Sam’s insides and in turn Sam would put the fork in her mouth and moan seductively as she tasted whatever item she was currently having. The tension in the air between them was so apparent that even the waiters noticed it and would retreat quickly after making sure everything was to their liking.
Once the meal was complete, neither David or Sam thinking that they could ever eat again, they thanked Alain and made their way out of the restaurant. Deciding to go up to the top of the tower, they took in more of the pink lights of Paris. It was while they were overlooking the Seine that David suddenly stopped walking and, spinning Samantha toward him with the hand he had been holding all night, put his hands up to her cheeks. He held her face just inches from his and whispered, “I’m going to kiss you now.”
Before she had a chance to respond, Samantha felt his soft, warm lips against hers and she drew her breathe in. A flood of memories washed over her as his lips brushed against hers. He had always been an amazing kisser and time had not changed that. His teeth grazed her bottom lip, nipping at it urgently but tenderly. As he continued his sensual assault, her lips parted as his tongue glided in, tangling with hers as the tastes of dinner overwhelmed them both. By the time the first kiss was over, both were breathing just that much heavier.
“I feel like the luckiest man in Paris right now. I can’t believe we are here, together, after all these years,” he said to her before enveloping her into a hug and kissing her deeply again. His movements became more and more urgent as he caressed the smooth, warm skin of her back where the dress was cut away.
His hands were so soft and warm on her skin and Samantha thought she might shatter into a million tiny pieces right there on the observation deck. The second kiss was even better than the first and she relished how tender and sensual he felt. She also felt something else, evidence that he had even stronger thoughts that would lead them well beyond kissing if she wasn’t careful. Why be careful? she thought to herself. We are here and we are back together, at least for now, we should make the most of it, right?
Descending the tower, David’s mind was in a swirl of emotions from just sheer happiness to relaxation to lust for the woman with whom he was walking. They were heading back toward the hotel and he wanted to ask Sam to come back to his room with him but didn’t want her to think he was just out to use her for a one-night stand. Their evening had taken on a different feel now as the sexual tension between the two grew. Each time they kissed, whether at the tower or in the car, the timber of their desire grew more and more urgent.
Finally as they reached the hotel and approached the elevator, David asked the question on both of their minds. Entering the elevator, he pulled her into a close embrace and whispered into her ear.
“Sam, come to my room with me?”
She trembled slightly in his arms but was not for a moment unsure if this was a good idea. Pulling back from him slightly, she looked at him deep in the eyes then, seeing the same passion that she was feeling, his normally light blue eyes having taken on a deeper, richer hue. Her answer was clear, words not even needed as she smiled at him. He pushed the single button to his floor and then turned to kiss her deeply once again.
He continued his assault on her senses all the way from the elevator to the door of his suite, kissing her lips and neck and inhaling the scent of her hair as then walked. Opening the door to his suite, he motioned her inside and closed the door behind them, pushing her up against it and delving for her lips and tongue once again. Her hand fisted into his hair as she met his kisses with fervor and gave it right back to him just as urgently. They had barely gotten through the door so far, she thought, heaven knows what was going to happen once they got all the way into the room.
Finally he broke the kiss and pulled her into the room. His suite was exquisitely decorated in shades of beige and white. Sam walked through the suite, admiring everything the she saw. The piece de resistance of the room, not surprisingly, was a beautiful white baby grand piano sitting near the French doors that led to his balcony, which overlooked the city and the Le Tour Eiffel where they had just come from in the distance. She opened the door to the balcony to take in the view of the city from here. David, in the meantime, had called down to let the concierge know that they were ready for the items he had ordered earlier and then joined her on the balcony.
“I can’t believe I’m here with you” she said, emphasizing the with you since she had obviously already come to Paris on her own. “It’s been such a long time and our lives have taken such different paths, I never expected to see you again, especially not like this.”
David had walked up behind her, encircling her waist with his arms and setting his chin on her shoulder as she spoke. She could sense the smile on his face even though she couldn’t see it. He spoke quietly into her ear. “I’ve been so lonely for so long, I had forgotten how this feels. You are right about our lives being so different but I know there must be a reason that we ended up in the café at the same time today. I feel so lucky to be here with you tonight too and I’m glad to know you feel the same way.” They stood together like this then, neither of them speaking for quite a bit of time until a knock at the door broke the spell between them.
Walking back into the room, David answered the door, directing the waiter to put the items on the nearby coffee table. After accepting a tip from David, the waiter thanked him and left the room.
“Champagne?” he inquired toward Samantha, who was sitting on the piano bench, running her fingers over the covered area where the keys were underneath.
“Thank you. What else have you got there”, she looked at him with a sparkle in her eye.
“Strawberries. They enhance the flavor of the champagne” he said with a slight bit of silliness in his voice at having unintentionally quoted a line from Pretty Woman. He placed a berry in each flute and poured the bubbly beverage over them, beckoning her to join him on the couch.
“To old friends… and new beginnings” he said, holding up his flute and clinking his to hers.
Chapter Two

Standing and motioning towards Sam so that she placed her hand in his, David grabbed the book from the table, placed his papers in the recycle bin and the two began to walk toward the back of the cathedral. As they walked, Sam explained what she had already seen earlier in the day.
Lining the sidewalks along the river were vendors, some in small booths and others on blankets, selling their wares to anyone who would stop long enough to look. Some had books, others photos and postcards, some had little Parisian trinkets for the tourists. David and Sam glanced from one to another as they walked, not stopping at any until they came across a wonderful old woman, sitting in an ancient rocking chair, tables filled with stacks upon stacks of old sheet music. David grinned like a kid in a candy store.
“You never get tired of it, do you?” Samantha asked him as he thumbed through the stacks of dusty, weathered papers.
“Never.” he paused, looking for just the right words to properly convey his feelings. “For me, music is just as important as the blood in my veins and the food I eat to sustain me. Every time I sit at a piano I feel at peace. It calms me when I am irritated; it excites me when I’m sad.”
Samantha just gazed at him as he spoke. Memories of a younger David came flooding back to her, remembering how he played for hours and hours each day when they were together. She recalled how she used to love to sit and listen to him work through whatever piece he would be working on, whether it was an intricate classical piece or something by The Beatles or Elvis. It was obvious to her that that passion had not wavered in the years since they had seen each other and, if possible, it had grown even more.
David continued looking through the music, choosing a few pieces for his collection. He handed some coins to the old woman, thanked her and the two continued their walk along the river and over the bridge.
As they crossed the street, a small street sign caught David’s eye. It was non-descript and his French was not that great, except that the content was unmistakable.
Samantha felt his entire body tense and stopped to look at him.
“What is it?” she said, speaking quieter than normal for some reason that she couldn’t explain.
“It’s a Holocaust Memorial” he said, almost in a whisper.
The sign said something about Memorial des Martyrs de la Deportation. Walking tentatively in the directions of the sign, they could see a small staircase that led underground. Descending the shallow stone steps, Samantha and David both stopped dead in their tracks. It was indeed a Holocaust Memorial, hidden right in the middle of Paris. The room was small and dimly lit. A small flickering light was in the center of the room and there were four caverns that were roped off, but each of the four were covered in lights representing all the victims of the Holocaust.
The temperature in the underground cavern was significantly cooler than it was outside and Samantha shivered, instinctively reaching for David’s hand, holding it tight. The two stood in stunned silence for what seemed like an eternity, taking in the surroundings.
What stood out the most to Sam was the lights. The walls were covered in them in all directions, each one signifying a life lost so many years ago.
“You had family that survived this, didn’t you” she said, not meaning to pry but feeling the emotion swelling in David.
“Yes. My grandparents on both sides were in camps in WWII” he answered quietly. He was very emotionally overwhelmed and was so glad to have Sam there to share these feelings with him. “They didn’t talk about it much, but we always knew.” He went on to tell her that he suspected that the reason that this memorial was hidden underground this way is that the French were very big resistance fighters but that ultimately they, too, had fallen to the Nazi regime and were embarrassed about that to this day.
After a few more minutes in the memorial, David and Sam walked back outside. Their moods seemed to mirror each other, both quiet and contemplative at first but as time passed both came out of that and they began to talk and joke around more. They continued their exploration of the area for a few hours until both saw that the other was getting tired.
“Sammy, I was serious earlier about celebrating your new account and your first time in Paris, so if you don’t have any plans for the evening, I’d really love to take you to dinner,” he said, his smile as wide as his face and his eyes bright with hope. “And frankly, I’m just not ready to let you go again so soon”. He winked at her then, causing them both to break into wide grins.
“I couldn’t agree more” Samantha answered, happy that she wouldn’t have to say goodbye to him just yet. “And really, did you think I was going to let you go so soon? I’ve missed you David, and I don’t think I realized how much until today.” She squeezed his hand, which she hadn’t let go of all afternoon.
“Why don’t I take you back to your hotel and that way I’ll know where to get you later?” David suggested.
Sam nodded. “That sounds perfect. I’m staying at the Royal Garden Champs Elysees.”
David stopped dead in his tracks, turning to her and laughing. “I know exactly where that is. I’m staying there too”.
This must be fate, they both thought as they headed toward the hotel, both realizing how unbelievably lucky they were to have found each other again like this.
Both were now feeling like this vacation had just gotten a whole lot better
Chapter One

He was done. Not done as in done-with-Bon-Jovi done, but emotionally and physically done. He was looking for an escape. Escape from the world... from the band, the touring, the shows he had completed and most of all, escape from the bad memories and experiences that had consumed much of the past two years for him. So when the opportunity had presented itself to just run away for a couple of weeks, he came to the only place he could think of where he could move around virtually unrecognized, enjoying the culture of a place he loved and just getting some much deserved, much needed R&R.
Shifting his sunglasses higher on his nose, the sun bright and crisp on this early autumn day, he toyed with the croissant that sat in front of him. Tearing off a corner and wincing as the steam from the still hot from the oven pastry singed his fingers, he popped the buttery treat into his mouth and followed it closely with the dark coffee that he loved so much. Looking up from his newspaper, David Bryan sat back, relaxing for the first time in years, soaking in the sights and smells of the Parisian café.
The divorce was like a slap in the face. Quite literally, it had taken the breath out of him. He understood that the lifestyle of wife of a rock star was hard on her, but he hadn’t realized how hard until the day he walked into the foyer of his New Jersey home and found his bags packed and his wife sitting there waiting, sadness mixed with determination on her face. She had been helpful and understanding in regards to the kids… at least at first… but even that had become a huge burden as of late, just another in a long list of stressors that had taken over his life.
The band had, it seemed, gone from one major tour to another in a matter of months. He loved being on the road, being with his “brothers” and playing the music they loved for the people who loved it, but even that had gotten to be too much at the end. David was cranky and irritable throughout the tour, but his friends had chalked it up to the divorce. By the time the last date wrapped, and the guys went their separate ways, he was glad he had his Broadway shows to get going, because it gave him something different to concentrate on.
The musicals had both opened successfully, one on the west coast and the other on the east, and he was enjoying the reviews that had come from this new type of performing that he had found. Being the composer of a Broadway show was very different than being part of one of the most successful rock bands of the past 25 years, and he relished his behind-the-scenes but right up front role in both shows.
But now that they were done, he was faced with long days and lonely nights. He had forgotten what it felt like to be alone and he didn’t like it one bit. Without anything to occupy the hours of his day, the hurt and anger had begun to take over. His life had become a narrow, shallow version of what it once was and now all he wanted was to find a cure, a path back from the darkness that consumed him, and something, or someone, to help bring the joy back into his life.
* * *
Samantha continued her slow walk around the cathedral, half entranced by the early Gothic architecture and half just really enjoying this well-deserved down time. She had worked hard for the last eighteen months closing the biggest ad deal in her company’s history, forgoing almost all vacations during that time in order to get the job done. She had been planning this time away carefully, pouring over internet sites and travel shows for months before deciding on Paris. Now that she had arrived, she intended to see and do it all. She was accustomed to doing things on her own and often relished the fact that she could come and go as she pleased, seeing and doing exactly what she wanted to do. This trip was no exception, but there was that little part of her that wished she had someone to share this all with. Stretching as she stood there, allowing the early autumn breeze to permeate every pore of her being, continuing to read about the building and the meaning behind all of the intricacies of it’s creation, Samantha realized that she was finally beginning to relax.
Once she had seen the entire exterior, her thoughts once again turned to the paragraph in the book about the “world’s best hot chocolate”. She decided to give it a try, and headed toward the river.
Just as the guidebook had indicated, as she crossed the footbridge she could see the café off to the right. It appeared to be a typical Parisian café with a dozen or so small tables out front. It wasn’t very crowded, two or three patrons scattered about, so she chose a table and took a seat. The waiter came to take her order, hot chocolate and a croissant, and she began reading her book once again.
It was when she looked up briefly as the waiter returned with her order that she first saw him.
At least she thought it was him.
No, it couldn’t be… David Rashbaum?
She hadn’t seen him since the summer before college, but he was unmistakable. While his look had changed throughout the years, his hair was his hair and it was still one of his best features.
And it’s not as if she lived under a rock, she knew that he was part of the super group Bon Jovi and, while not a diehard fan, she knew and enjoyed their music whenever she heard it.
The question was… would he remember her?
She considered this question as she ate her snack and drank the “world’s best hot chocolate”, deciding that the guidebook was indeed correct about the quality of the drink. She kept stealing glances at him, as the memories of their time together came flooding back into her psyche
The first glance was to make sure that she wasn’t imagining him.
She wasn’t.
The second was to see if it was really him.
It was.
And boy did he look good.
Thinking back to that summer before she had gone off to college caused her to shift a little in her seat. Samantha had gotten an internship opportunity in New York City and had gone up there with another friend and gotten an apartment in the East Village.
It was during this time that she met a young classical pianist who immediately caught her eye. They had had a very steamy summer, spending every waking moment they could together and becoming great friends in the process. At the end of the summer Samantha went off to Boston College on a full ride to their prestigious advertising school while David was Juilliard-bound, or at least that is what she thought. As often happens when couples are living apart, they had tried hard to keep it together during the first few months apart but by the first of the following year they had lost touch, not speaking or seeing each other again… until this moment.
And now, she had to decide whether she should say something to him.
She wasn’t sure.
Samantha, being a big believer in fate, decided that there must be a reason that they both ended up in this café in this foreign town at the same time. But she didn’t want to disturb him either. As it turned out, she didn’t have to worry about bothering him.
Several minutes passed. Sam, having finishing up her food, her mind racing a mile a minute as she pretending to read her book while really just surreptitiously watching David, looked his way at the exact time that he happened to glance in her direction. Their eyes met for a moment before David glanced down and back up at her almost instantaneously.
Was that really her? How could she be here of all places? Does she remember who I am?
Deciding to trust in the fates, Samantha decided to get up as if she were leaving and approach him. “Excuse me,” Samantha said, “I hate to bother you, but…”
“Samantha? Samantha Majors? Is that really you?”
“David Rashbaum, it really is you!” Samantha said with glee, her wide smile lighting up her face.
David stood to give her a deep hug, motioning for her to sit with him. “In the flesh, Samantha. God, what the hell are you doing here in Paris?”
“I can't believe you're here... after all this time.” she replied, trying not to sound too anxious. “As for the why, let’s just say I am taking some well deserved time off.”
David laughed at this, thinking back over the last couple of years and the stress he was now desperately trying to purge. “Same here. Damn, so what have you been doing with yourself?” David noticed that Samantha still looked as good as the last time he had seen her. A little older, but she wore the years well.
Samantha was still in shock after not seeing David is so long, almost a lifetime ago it seemed. She had never truly forgotten him and maybe had even put all other guys in her life up against him. "I've been following you career, ya know... it seems amazing to think of all you've accomplished with the band. How did that all happen? Last I had heard you were headed to Juilliard?”
“I was. I was all ready to go, and then I got a call from Jon, who I used to play with back in high school. Let's just say it was an offer I couldn't refuse.”
Samantha could see the twinkle in his eyes as he talked about Jon and the band. She knew that he still loved it more than ever, in spite of being obviously burnt out. “It's gotta be a really interesting life, being on the road, seeing the world and doing something you love so much.”
David considered this question carefully before answering. “It is interesting, but it can be exhausting too. I mean, I wouldn't trade the years on the road with these guys for anything, ya know? But some days...”he trailed off, not sure he really wanted to dump everything on Samantha. They were close once -- really close -- but it had been a long time.
Sam could see he was avoiding something and didn't want to press him. They needed to get to know each other again first. “Tell me what else is going on with you. Are you married? Kids? Where are you living when you aren't on the road? Oh crap, is that too many questions?” She laughed then, the familiar twinkle in her eyes caught his attention right away and his grin grew wider.
“Sammy, you haven't even begun to ask too many questions.” His eyes shone with laughter, and he saw her quick smile at the use of her old nickname. “Yeah, I'm married -- shit, was married for a while.” He grinned sheepishly at her. “Sorry, it's still pretty new, the "was married" thing. Anyway, I have three great kids and I'm still in Jersey, though I have a place in California and split my time between the two. How 'bout you? You get someone to sweep you off your feet?”
A brief shadow overtook her normally light attitude, but just for a moment. Nobody like you, she thought, but didn’t say out loud. “No, nobody special. I was engaged once, but it didn't work out.” She laughed then, but it was a laugh laced with sarcasm and a little pain and David recognized it immediately and waited to see what was going to come next. “I guess he thought our honeymoon would be more fun with his assistant than it would have been with his new wife... it is what it is, right?”
“Jesus, Sammy, I'm sorry, sweetheart.” The endearment slipped out as, for a moment, the years slipped away. “Well, he was clearly an idiot.” He watched as her emotions played over her face, and thought it'd be a good idea to change the subject. “So, you know all about what I do, what do you do?”
Samantha told David about school and being offered the junior executive position at her firm right after graduation and how she had worked her way up the ranks to senior partner.
“I'm a Senior VP at MM&P, we're a Fortune 500 advertising agency in New York. I really love the work and I've worked hard for it all my life. Thus the reason I'm here now. I just won a multi-million dollar account that has consumed the last 18 months of my life. I finally got the chance to escape for a couple of weeks, so here I am.” David could see in her face that she was very proud of what she did for a living and what she had accomplished.
“Congratulations! Well, I think we should celebrate. Do you want to have dinner?” He winced as he thought he sounded a little presumptuous. “I mean, if you don't already have plans.”
Samantha laughed again, going on to explain that this was her first time in Paris and her first day, in fact, and how she was planning to spend the rest of the day exploring in and around Notre Dame. He eyed the tour book that was sitting on the table.
Realizing the gift he’d been given at seeing Samantha again, and hoping to prolong their day together, David asked, “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day and would you like some company?” He held his breath, hoping for a positive response. Her mere presence had already begun to relax him and he wasn’t ready to give that up just yet. He wanted to spend more time with her and was hoping she wanted to do the same with him.
“I would love that”, she replied.

It was the most perfect of early autumn days in Paris. Not at all hot, but not too cold either, and not a cloud in the sky. It was her first day in Paris and Samantha was standing in the plaza in front of Notre Dame, one of the most famous buildings in the entire world, and she didn’t want to miss anything about it. She had been careful to pick just the right tour book, finally settling on one by her favorite Travel Channel host. His manner was a lot like hers, casual and full of information that would be interesting to someone who was more interested in “local flavor” than all the same tourist traps.
As she stood in the plaza and read the book, looking up at the awesome structure in front of her, something in a small box caught her eye. Looking for the world’s best hot chocolate? “How odd”, Samantha thought, “that such a question would be in the middle of the chapter she was reading on Notre Dame.” Of course, she couldn’t just ignore it, so she continued to read.
Follow the cathedral around to the left, until the flying buttresses end. Turn to your left. See the river with a small footbridge over it? Walk over that bridge onto Ile St. Louis and turn to your right. See the café there, called Le Flore en L'Ile? Go there, sit outside, order the hot chocolate and take in the view of the cathedral from a totally different vantage point. You won’t be sorry.
As if the book was somehow talking to her, Samantha began to walk, following the instructions in the book. Little did she know that this simple act was going to change the focus of her entire vacation, and maybe even beyond?
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