Samantha sipped the champagne slowly, not wanting the bubbles to tickle her nose and make her sneeze. Once David drained his glass, he took the strawberry and held it to her lips. She bit into it playfully, causing juices to trickle down the side of her mouth towards her chin. David caught the drizzle by kissing Sam’s chin, making his way back up the side of her face slowly with a combination of licks and kisses that was driving her crazy.
She returned his kisses, nuzzling from the front of his neck to the back, running her fingers through his curly locks and kissing him sweetly. She was feeling just slightly light headed, her emotions taking over and her inhibitions gone out the window, and it was then that an idea hit her. She whispered into his ear. “What’s a girl gotta do to get you to play a little for me?” Her voice was low and sexy and caused shivers to shoot through David’s body, covering him in goosebumps.
She could feel his grin long before she actually saw it. David took her by the hands and led her over to the piano bench. He loved to play more than anything and wanted the chance to try out the gorgeous piano in the suite. He kissed her lightly before closing his eyes and laying his fingers silently on the keys for a few moments as he gathered his thoughts. He started to play, the melody soft and haunting, permeating every pore of Samantha’s psyche. She watched as his nimble fingers played lightly over the keys, feeling herself growing more and more aroused, imagining those fingers playing over her body.
Turning to him, her gaze liquid and slumberous, she said softly, "That was so beautiful. Thank you." He looked down at her, his heart pounding as he recognized the look in her eyes. It may have been years since he'd seen it, but it was unmistakable.
He raised his hand, fisting it into her hair to gently pull her towards him. This time, when their lips met it was like an immediate fire had touched them both and they both pulled back for a brief moment, almost as if the feeling had shocked them simultaneously. When they came back together, his tongue prodded her lips lightly until hers parted and he was able to dive in the way he wanted. She tasted so wonderful, a mix of champagne, berries and her own natural taste, and it was almost too much to handle. He forced himself to break the kiss and sat back, feeling the need to speak.
“Sammy,” he started, “I want to be with you so much right now and I think you feel the same way. But I don’t want you to think that I’m just interested in some one night fling. I’d never treat you like that. Please, will you stay with me?” his voice was slightly shaky but sincere, his eyes never leaving their locked position on her face.
With just a smile, Samantha turned her whole body to face him on the piano bench. She unbuttoned his shirt slowly, causing it to fall backwards off his shoulders, baring The Joker tattoo that was emblazoned on his right pec. A small grin appeared then on her face as she traced the design with her fingers, admiring the detail and handiwork of whomever it was that created it for him. She bent her head to kiss it lightly several times, using her tongue to arouse David even more. She moved to the other side of his chest and marveled in the way that he was slightly hairy on one side but smooth on the other. The best of both worlds she thought to herself.
David was barely in control of his senses at this point and her kisses were driving him to distraction. Grabbing her hair once again he coaxed her up from where she was teasing his chest and kissed her soundly as they stood, David pushing the piano bench out of the way.
Her turned her then and pushed her back against the piano, the keys sounding in an odd but strangely erotic timbre as her back hit them. He reached around to untie the dress at the neck, causing it to fall to her waist and bare her breasts as he pressed his chest against hers. He started kissing her then, beginning at her hairline and working his way down slowly… ears, neck, shoulder, lips, throat, chest, arm and finally to her hard nipples. He took her into his mouth, sucking with the hunger of a man who had been hunting for much too long without finding the sustenance that he craved.
His tongue ran circles around first her left and then right nipple while his hands caressed her back and the keys continued playing their erotic love song.
Samantha was pushed back against the piano, her back arched as he urgently tickled and teased her nipples. His hands felt so good on her back, warm and soft in spite of the ever-present calluses from his playing. Her eyes were closed, her hair hanging back as she fell deeper and deeper into the erotic world they were creating.
David ‘s hands found the zipper of the dress at the small of her back and undid it with ease, causing the dress to fall to the ground with just a small move away from the keys of the piano. The sight he saw at that moment… Samantha splayed against the instrument, wearing nothing but a black g-string and her silver sandals, was almost too much for David to handle. He wanted to be inside her and he knew this first time was not going to be slow and romantic, but he vowed to himself that he would make it up to her later.
He broke his hold on her then, needing to find protection but not wanting her to move from her place on the piano.
“Wait right there,” he motioned, palm outstretched urgently. “I’ll be back in a moment.” Heading for the bedroom, he hoped that he still had what he needed in his dop kit and was very happy when he found them, tucking them into the front pocket of his pants and returning to Samantha in the other room.
Taking her face in his hands, one on either side, he tilted hers to one side and his to the other as he pressed his tongue into her mouth urgently, once again taking in the taste of her which he could not get enough of, stopping briefly only to nibble at her bottom lip playfully.
Samantha reached for David’s pants, deciding that he had way too many clothes on in comparison to her. As she undid the button and zipper, the loose-fitting slacks hit the floor, leaving David in nothing but a pair of silk black boxers. She started to kiss him again, starting at his adams apple and making her way to his chest, visiting The Joker once again on her way down. She continued pressing kisses to his abdomen, following his little treasure trail down toward his boxers that were doing nothing to hide his arousal. She just grazed his erection teasingly as she continued kissing her way down him…down one leg and up the other until his knees nearly gave way beneath him. On the way back up, she cupped his sac with one hand and kissed his shaft through the silk of his boxers, causing a deep, guttural groan to emanate through his entire body. She continued her way back up his body, keeping her hand in place, kneading and tickling him the entire time.
As she stood back up, David grabbed her by the hand, unable to wait another moment while she pleasured him. He needed to taste her. Walking her to the back side of the piano, he twisted his finger into her g-string, causing it to pull away from her body so that he could slip it down her legs and away. Then he started his exploration of her, once again starting at the nape of her neck and making his way down her entire body with his tongue. When he got to the light hair at the top of her sweet spot he stopped suddenly, looking up at her with the eyes of a demon possessed. In one quick, fluid movement he stood, grabbed her at the waist and lifted her to sit on the back of the piano, causing her to gasp, and giving him greater access to her warmth and wetness. But first he teased her, kissing her legs from top to bottom. When he got to her feet her carefully unbuckled her sandals and tossed them to the side, allowing him to kiss the bottoms of her feet and take each of her toes into his mouths seductively. Continuing his journey northward toward the prize he knew was waiting for him, he made sure to stop and lick the backs of her knees as he passed them, inhaling the scent of her perfume once again.
She thought she was going to come unglued!
As his assault on her senses continued and he made his way up her thighs, David’s gaze rarely left Samantha’s face, her passion and desire growing deeper as the color of her eyes darkened in response to everything he was doing. He stood all the way up then and moved between her legs and closer to the piano to kiss her deeply on the mouth again, biting at her lips and tangling with her tongue in such a way that told her what she was about to experience. He stopped, gazed once more deep into her eyes, pushed her back gently so that she was lying prone over the back of the piano and then ducked his head between her legs.
Touching the tips of his finger to her swollen clit, he was surprised to find how wet and sensitive she was. She drew her breath in and arched her back the moment he touched her, grabbing futilely for something to hold onto but finding nothing on the smooth surface of the piano. He ran his finger down, into her soft folds, feeling even more the extent of her desire for him. He dipped his finger all the way into her, causing a loud gasp to escape her throat.
“Oh God David!” were the only words she could manage.
He kept going, adding another finger, turning them until the tips found her G spot, making her loud gasps turn immediately into low, rumbling, non-verbal mewing.
God! He knows exactly where to touch me, she thought incoherently.
In and out and in and out his fingers went, causing her to twist and turn her head and body as she got closer and closer to tumbling over the edge.
Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he stopped, pulling his fingers out of her slowly. She cried out as if in agony, trying to focus her eyes so that she could look at him. When his face came into focus she watched as he inserted his fingers into his mouth, his tongue lapping at her juices left there. Her eyes caught his and she saw that they were dark with passion, a playfully evil glint showing through in the corner.
Not wanting to let her come too far down from her place on the edge of oblivion, he took her hands in his as he dipped his head between her thighs and sent his tongue where his fingers had been just moments before.
Within a matter of moments, the feel of his warm mouth against her wet and very swollen lips drove her up and over the edge, screaming as she went, her breathing labored and sweat having formed between her breasts and on her abdomen. He stood, kissing all the way up her body until he stood close enough to her to bring her up into a sitting position, holding her close as she came slowly back to earth.
Once her breathing was somewhat normal again, he lifted her up and off the piano and he carried her into the bedroom. Laying her down on her back, he quickly went back to the other room to retrieve the items he had put into his pocket earlier. Entering the bedroom once again, he found that she was sitting up, propped against some pillows. Her eyes were still mostly lost in passion and she had the most beautiful smile on her face.
As he approached the bed, she sat up, scooting to the edge of the bed and reaching for his silk boxers, which appeared as if they would bust their seams any moment now due to his ever-growing desire. Taking them by the edge, she pulled them down and off of him in one quick movement. She took in the look of him, totally naked in front of her for the first time since they were, well.. teenagers really, and marveled at how gorgeous he really was. He was in amazing shape and it showed everywhere.
He pulled her up to stand, so close to her now that the tip of his manhood grazed against her warm, wet folds. She was so beautiful, exactly as he remembered only better. She had aged very well. He ran his hands through her tussled hair and pulled her in for a long, slow lingering kiss.
He wanted to be inside her more than anything.. Pushing her back against the pillows, he joined her on the bed, sitting on his knees. He quickly grabbed at one of the condoms that he had set on the bedside table and sheathed himself. Positioning himself between her open and inviting thighs, he pushed himself gently inside her, just a little at first, pulling out and then pushing in a little farther each time until he was deep within her, her walls contracting around his hardness. They kept their eyes locked on each other as they made love; a slow, gentle, tentative act that had both of them remembering the years long past and relishing this newfound time that they had together. As the tension inside them both began to build once again, their lovemaking became more urgent but no less tender, and he could see that she was on her way up and over the edge.
With a final, loud moan in unison, David and Samantha went together over the edge, his seed spilling as her walls contracted around him so tightly that he could think of nothing else, nobody else, except for that moment in time and how he really didn’t want it to end.
Making short work of the condom, he gathered Samantha into his arms, whispering into her ear.
“Sammy, you feel so good. Please stay, sleep with me rather than going back to your room?"
Turning to face him, lifting a hand to his cheek, she wrapped her other arm around him and pulled him close, instinctively recognizing the need for intimacy was as strong in him as it was in her.
"Of course," she breathed, "like you even have to ask."
Willow - Your new site is AWESOME! And, of course, I love the story. Can't wait to see where this goes ... please don't make it sad. LOL
Beautiful chapter - just the right mix of really hot and really tender! I just LOVE how they are remembering each other and thinking of their past. To me, that adds a lot to this story.
I know the physical is there (boy oh boy do I know it!), now comes the question...does the adult who-they-are-now emotional follow?
...must read...
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