Walking back to his room, David flipped open his cell phone and hit speed dial to get his assistant. A wealth of information, Jenna could always be counted on to help with whatever he needed, especially in a pinch.
“Hey doll, how are things stateside?” he said as she picked up the receiver.
“All’s well Joker” she loved calling him that cause it made him laugh and she knew he could use all the laughs he could get recently. “I have a couple of messages for you, but I’m guessing that’s not why you are calling. What can I do ya for?”
“I need you to work your magic and get me a table at La Jules Verne tonight. 8:00pm. If anyone gives you a problem, ask to speak to Alain Ducasse, he’s the chef.
“D, I know who Alain is, I’m not a novice at this, ya know” she quipped. “What’s the occasion?”
“I met up with an old friend” he said, the wide smile on his face apparent in his voice over the phone.
“Well, well, well.” She said will a little bit of sass mixed with hopefulness. “You got it boss. I’ll call ya back in a few when I get it all arranged” she said and disconnected the line.
Arriving at his room, he made a call down to room service to arrange for a car service and to place an order for later, giving the concierge specific instructions of how and when he wanted the items delivered. He had just hung up the phone in his room when his cell phone began ringing.
“Hey Jen, s’up?” he said as he answered the phone.
“You’re all set for tonight, Alain was so excited to hear you were coming up to see him. Said he’ll take good care of you” she replied. They talked for a few more moments about the messages she had for him, taking notes as he told her how to respond.
“There’s one more thing. You got an invitation to a benefit that VH1 is throwing for the Save the Music program. It’s late next week and it’s in Rome. I guess they are interested in taking the program international. You know me, normally I wouldn’t bother you with this while you are on vacation, but since you are already in Europe, are ya interested?”
David thought about it for a moment. If things continued to progress with Sam, maybe he could talk her into accompanying him to Rome for a few days. She did say she was here for a couple of weeks, didn’t she?
“Call ‘em back and tell them I’m going to try to clear my schedule but don’t make any commitments just yet. I’ll let you know in a couple of days”. They chatted for a couple of more minutes before disconnecting the call.
“It was nearly 7:00pm and Samantha was putting on the finishing touches for the evening. She had showered and washed her hair, which had been up in a ponytail all day. Deciding to wear it down tonight, her soft reddish-blonde curls bounced playfully just below her shoulders. Her normally brown eyes were accented with green contact lenses and she wore just enough make-up to compliment but not overshadow her natural look. She was so glad she had packed a couple of dresses just in case, and was wearing a backless little black dress that tied at the neck and was very simple in the front. Accented with silver jewelry and silver sandals with a three inch heel, she stepped back from the mirror to take it all in, thinking she was pleased with the outcome. Classy with just a kick of sexy she thought to herself as she picked the bottle of Thierry Mugler’s Angel that she always travelled with, spraying it lightly behind her neck and knees.
She heard his knock on her door.
As she opened the door, what she found on the other side was nothing short of breathtaking. David had dressed in black dress pants and a pale pink button down shirt with the top two buttons undone. The shirt had French cuffs and he wore cufflinks with the faces of comedy and tragedy on them. He topped it off with a beautiful black jacket with the faintest hint of a silver pinstripe. He was holding a white rose that he handed to Samantha as he took her other hand, turned it over and placed a light kiss in the center of her palm.
Electricity shot through her like she had just been struck by lightning, causing her knees to feel as if they would give way any moment.
“You are gorgeous!” David said, smiling, as he stepped into the room. He made a spinning motion with his finger and she complied by turning for him but never took her eyes off of his. He couldn’t help but inhale her scent deeply. It was unlike anything he had ever smelled on a woman. He couldn’t explain it really, but it was like taking in a deep seated memory, something so familiar that it was part of his very psyche but at the same time new, exciting and full of promise. All he could think was that he wanted her more now then he ever had.
“You clean up pretty well yourself” she responded, taking him in again from head to toe. He had certainly turned up the charm factor a notch, not that she was complaining. She hadn’t wanted anyone as badly as she wanted David right now in longer than she could remember.
Heading for the elevator that would take them to the waiting car, David held Samantha’s hand like he had no intention of ever letting go. As they entered the elevator, David moved behind her, one hand at her waist and the other running her hand through her hair, once again inhaling her intoxicating scent. He nibbled at her neck just a little which made Samantha sigh as she relaxed into him.
It was now obvious to the both of them that each was interested in rekindling their long ago romance. The night was about to get much, much better!
Exciting the hotel, David was once again glad for the relative anonymity that allowed him to occasionally travel undetected when he wasn’t with the band. It was only a matter of time until someone caught a picture of him and then the “David girls” on Backstage got a hold of it. He knew, like the rest of the guys, that the “Jovi network” was strong and vast and that news shot through it like wildfire. However, for tonight at least, it seemed that he was safe from fans seeking pictures and autographs. He didn’t always mind that but he relished his privacy… and hers.
David led Sam into the car by the small of her back, following her as he verified with the driver where they were headed.
“Le Jules Verne, sil vous plais” David said to the driver holding open the car door for them.
“Where are we going?” Samantha asked, a hint of anticipation in her voice which made him smile.
“Trust me, baby” David answered, once again using an endearment that he had used with her so long ago. “I promise that this will be a night you won’t soon forget”.
Arriving at the base of the Eiffel Tower, Samantha sucked in her breathe as they exited the car. The sun was just beginning to set and the entire tower was awash with the light of the setting sun mixed with the lights on the tower itself. The effect was extraordinary.
“Let’s go! They are expecting us” David held Samantha’s hand in his while his other hand instinctively set itself on the small of her back as he led her to the lift that would take them up the tower to the second level.
As the couple entered the opulent surroundings of La Jules Verne, Samantha tried hard not to appear completely awe struck. She had read about the restaurants in the tower but had also read that reservations were always needed two months in advance, so she hadn’t even bothered. The maître de took them to a corner table right at the intersection of two windows that overlooked the outside of the tower and the city beyond. A small, flickering candle adorned the white linen covered table, set with gold and amber place settings. It was the most romantic place Samantha could imagine. Just as they were settling in, a robust man came barreling over with a bottle of wine in one hand, followed by a waiter with a bucket of ice.
“David, David… finally I get you into my restaurant”! David stood, shaking the man’s hand.
“Alain, my friend. It’s so good to see you. Allow me to introduce this beautiful lady to you.. this is Samantha Majors, a very old, very good friend”.
Alain took Samantha’s hands and placed a kiss on each of her cheeks. “I will make for you a special meal, if you will allow me” he said. They both smiled and agreed and as Alain went off to his kitchen, David and Samantha toasted to each other and drank the wine as they talked.
As they were waiting, she asked him to tell her more about being part of an internationally popular band like Bon Jovi. He was surprised to find that, while she knew about the band and their music, she wasn’t an overzealous, crazy fan, the likes of which followed them everywhere.
“Obviously, it’s been the best business decision I ever made. I’ve been blessed to do what I love and make money doing it while getting to travel the world and see things that most average Jersey boys don’t often get to see”. He told her about some of the ups and downs of their success, about how they almost broke up after the New Jersey tour in 1990 but were, thankfully, able to come out of that dark period and go on even better than before. He told her how his career almost came to an end when he nearly sliced off his finger with a circular saw, showing her the ever present scar that, he said, reminds him each day to be thankful for what he has.
Dinner was spectacular, every dish that Alain presented was better than the one before it. They ate poached lobster, veal w/ duck foie gras and potato soufflé and passion fruit sorbet for dessert. The two never took their eyes off one another throughout dinner, even taking turns feeding each other from the various dishes. David would take a bit of something and lick his lips enticingly, causing the electricity to return to Sam’s insides and in turn Sam would put the fork in her mouth and moan seductively as she tasted whatever item she was currently having. The tension in the air between them was so apparent that even the waiters noticed it and would retreat quickly after making sure everything was to their liking.
Once the meal was complete, neither David or Sam thinking that they could ever eat again, they thanked Alain and made their way out of the restaurant. Deciding to go up to the top of the tower, they took in more of the pink lights of Paris. It was while they were overlooking the Seine that David suddenly stopped walking and, spinning Samantha toward him with the hand he had been holding all night, put his hands up to her cheeks. He held her face just inches from his and whispered, “I’m going to kiss you now.”
Before she had a chance to respond, Samantha felt his soft, warm lips against hers and she drew her breathe in. A flood of memories washed over her as his lips brushed against hers. He had always been an amazing kisser and time had not changed that. His teeth grazed her bottom lip, nipping at it urgently but tenderly. As he continued his sensual assault, her lips parted as his tongue glided in, tangling with hers as the tastes of dinner overwhelmed them both. By the time the first kiss was over, both were breathing just that much heavier.
“I feel like the luckiest man in Paris right now. I can’t believe we are here, together, after all these years,” he said to her before enveloping her into a hug and kissing her deeply again. His movements became more and more urgent as he caressed the smooth, warm skin of her back where the dress was cut away.
His hands were so soft and warm on her skin and Samantha thought she might shatter into a million tiny pieces right there on the observation deck. The second kiss was even better than the first and she relished how tender and sensual he felt. She also felt something else, evidence that he had even stronger thoughts that would lead them well beyond kissing if she wasn’t careful. Why be careful? she thought to herself. We are here and we are back together, at least for now, we should make the most of it, right?
Descending the tower, David’s mind was in a swirl of emotions from just sheer happiness to relaxation to lust for the woman with whom he was walking. They were heading back toward the hotel and he wanted to ask Sam to come back to his room with him but didn’t want her to think he was just out to use her for a one-night stand. Their evening had taken on a different feel now as the sexual tension between the two grew. Each time they kissed, whether at the tower or in the car, the timber of their desire grew more and more urgent.
Finally as they reached the hotel and approached the elevator, David asked the question on both of their minds. Entering the elevator, he pulled her into a close embrace and whispered into her ear.
“Sam, come to my room with me?”
She trembled slightly in his arms but was not for a moment unsure if this was a good idea. Pulling back from him slightly, she looked at him deep in the eyes then, seeing the same passion that she was feeling, his normally light blue eyes having taken on a deeper, richer hue. Her answer was clear, words not even needed as she smiled at him. He pushed the single button to his floor and then turned to kiss her deeply once again.
He continued his assault on her senses all the way from the elevator to the door of his suite, kissing her lips and neck and inhaling the scent of her hair as then walked. Opening the door to his suite, he motioned her inside and closed the door behind them, pushing her up against it and delving for her lips and tongue once again. Her hand fisted into his hair as she met his kisses with fervor and gave it right back to him just as urgently. They had barely gotten through the door so far, she thought, heaven knows what was going to happen once they got all the way into the room.
Finally he broke the kiss and pulled her into the room. His suite was exquisitely decorated in shades of beige and white. Sam walked through the suite, admiring everything the she saw. The piece de resistance of the room, not surprisingly, was a beautiful white baby grand piano sitting near the French doors that led to his balcony, which overlooked the city and the Le Tour Eiffel where they had just come from in the distance. She opened the door to the balcony to take in the view of the city from here. David, in the meantime, had called down to let the concierge know that they were ready for the items he had ordered earlier and then joined her on the balcony.
“I can’t believe I’m here with you” she said, emphasizing the with you since she had obviously already come to Paris on her own. “It’s been such a long time and our lives have taken such different paths, I never expected to see you again, especially not like this.”
David had walked up behind her, encircling her waist with his arms and setting his chin on her shoulder as she spoke. She could sense the smile on his face even though she couldn’t see it. He spoke quietly into her ear. “I’ve been so lonely for so long, I had forgotten how this feels. You are right about our lives being so different but I know there must be a reason that we ended up in the café at the same time today. I feel so lucky to be here with you tonight too and I’m glad to know you feel the same way.” They stood together like this then, neither of them speaking for quite a bit of time until a knock at the door broke the spell between them.
Walking back into the room, David answered the door, directing the waiter to put the items on the nearby coffee table. After accepting a tip from David, the waiter thanked him and left the room.
“Champagne?” he inquired toward Samantha, who was sitting on the piano bench, running her fingers over the covered area where the keys were underneath.
“Thank you. What else have you got there”, she looked at him with a sparkle in her eye.
“Strawberries. They enhance the flavor of the champagne” he said with a slight bit of silliness in his voice at having unintentionally quoted a line from Pretty Woman. He placed a berry in each flute and poured the bubbly beverage over them, beckoning her to join him on the couch.
“To old friends… and new beginnings” he said, holding up his flute and clinking his to hers.
Great chapter babes! I know you sent this to me to read, but I didn't finish it before I left for Vacay...but who cares! You didn't need me for this one.
What a great chapter. Old school romance. *sigh* just what every girl needs once in awhile.
I really like how they are remembering their history together. Being together when they were younger adds so much to this story and I can easily see where there two would be where they are right now!
Great descriptions on the dinner too!
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