He was done. Not done as in done-with-Bon-Jovi done, but emotionally and physically done. He was looking for an escape. Escape from the world... from the band, the touring, the shows he had completed and most of all, escape from the bad memories and experiences that had consumed much of the past two years for him. So when the opportunity had presented itself to just run away for a couple of weeks, he came to the only place he could think of where he could move around virtually unrecognized, enjoying the culture of a place he loved and just getting some much deserved, much needed R&R.
Shifting his sunglasses higher on his nose, the sun bright and crisp on this early autumn day, he toyed with the croissant that sat in front of him. Tearing off a corner and wincing as the steam from the still hot from the oven pastry singed his fingers, he popped the buttery treat into his mouth and followed it closely with the dark coffee that he loved so much. Looking up from his newspaper, David Bryan sat back, relaxing for the first time in years, soaking in the sights and smells of the Parisian café.
The divorce was like a slap in the face. Quite literally, it had taken the breath out of him. He understood that the lifestyle of wife of a rock star was hard on her, but he hadn’t realized how hard until the day he walked into the foyer of his New Jersey home and found his bags packed and his wife sitting there waiting, sadness mixed with determination on her face. She had been helpful and understanding in regards to the kids… at least at first… but even that had become a huge burden as of late, just another in a long list of stressors that had taken over his life.
The band had, it seemed, gone from one major tour to another in a matter of months. He loved being on the road, being with his “brothers” and playing the music they loved for the people who loved it, but even that had gotten to be too much at the end. David was cranky and irritable throughout the tour, but his friends had chalked it up to the divorce. By the time the last date wrapped, and the guys went their separate ways, he was glad he had his Broadway shows to get going, because it gave him something different to concentrate on.
The musicals had both opened successfully, one on the west coast and the other on the east, and he was enjoying the reviews that had come from this new type of performing that he had found. Being the composer of a Broadway show was very different than being part of one of the most successful rock bands of the past 25 years, and he relished his behind-the-scenes but right up front role in both shows.
But now that they were done, he was faced with long days and lonely nights. He had forgotten what it felt like to be alone and he didn’t like it one bit. Without anything to occupy the hours of his day, the hurt and anger had begun to take over. His life had become a narrow, shallow version of what it once was and now all he wanted was to find a cure, a path back from the darkness that consumed him, and something, or someone, to help bring the joy back into his life.
* * *
Samantha continued her slow walk around the cathedral, half entranced by the early Gothic architecture and half just really enjoying this well-deserved down time. She had worked hard for the last eighteen months closing the biggest ad deal in her company’s history, forgoing almost all vacations during that time in order to get the job done. She had been planning this time away carefully, pouring over internet sites and travel shows for months before deciding on Paris. Now that she had arrived, she intended to see and do it all. She was accustomed to doing things on her own and often relished the fact that she could come and go as she pleased, seeing and doing exactly what she wanted to do. This trip was no exception, but there was that little part of her that wished she had someone to share this all with. Stretching as she stood there, allowing the early autumn breeze to permeate every pore of her being, continuing to read about the building and the meaning behind all of the intricacies of it’s creation, Samantha realized that she was finally beginning to relax.
Once she had seen the entire exterior, her thoughts once again turned to the paragraph in the book about the “world’s best hot chocolate”. She decided to give it a try, and headed toward the river.
Just as the guidebook had indicated, as she crossed the footbridge she could see the café off to the right. It appeared to be a typical Parisian café with a dozen or so small tables out front. It wasn’t very crowded, two or three patrons scattered about, so she chose a table and took a seat. The waiter came to take her order, hot chocolate and a croissant, and she began reading her book once again.
It was when she looked up briefly as the waiter returned with her order that she first saw him.
At least she thought it was him.
No, it couldn’t be… David Rashbaum?
She hadn’t seen him since the summer before college, but he was unmistakable. While his look had changed throughout the years, his hair was his hair and it was still one of his best features.
And it’s not as if she lived under a rock, she knew that he was part of the super group Bon Jovi and, while not a diehard fan, she knew and enjoyed their music whenever she heard it.
The question was… would he remember her?
She considered this question as she ate her snack and drank the “world’s best hot chocolate”, deciding that the guidebook was indeed correct about the quality of the drink. She kept stealing glances at him, as the memories of their time together came flooding back into her psyche
The first glance was to make sure that she wasn’t imagining him.
She wasn’t.
The second was to see if it was really him.
It was.
And boy did he look good.
Thinking back to that summer before she had gone off to college caused her to shift a little in her seat. Samantha had gotten an internship opportunity in New York City and had gone up there with another friend and gotten an apartment in the East Village.
It was during this time that she met a young classical pianist who immediately caught her eye. They had had a very steamy summer, spending every waking moment they could together and becoming great friends in the process. At the end of the summer Samantha went off to Boston College on a full ride to their prestigious advertising school while David was Juilliard-bound, or at least that is what she thought. As often happens when couples are living apart, they had tried hard to keep it together during the first few months apart but by the first of the following year they had lost touch, not speaking or seeing each other again… until this moment.
And now, she had to decide whether she should say something to him.
She wasn’t sure.
Samantha, being a big believer in fate, decided that there must be a reason that they both ended up in this café in this foreign town at the same time. But she didn’t want to disturb him either. As it turned out, she didn’t have to worry about bothering him.
Several minutes passed. Sam, having finishing up her food, her mind racing a mile a minute as she pretending to read her book while really just surreptitiously watching David, looked his way at the exact time that he happened to glance in her direction. Their eyes met for a moment before David glanced down and back up at her almost instantaneously.
Was that really her? How could she be here of all places? Does she remember who I am?
Deciding to trust in the fates, Samantha decided to get up as if she were leaving and approach him. “Excuse me,” Samantha said, “I hate to bother you, but…”
“Samantha? Samantha Majors? Is that really you?”
“David Rashbaum, it really is you!” Samantha said with glee, her wide smile lighting up her face.
David stood to give her a deep hug, motioning for her to sit with him. “In the flesh, Samantha. God, what the hell are you doing here in Paris?”
“I can't believe you're here... after all this time.” she replied, trying not to sound too anxious. “As for the why, let’s just say I am taking some well deserved time off.”
David laughed at this, thinking back over the last couple of years and the stress he was now desperately trying to purge. “Same here. Damn, so what have you been doing with yourself?” David noticed that Samantha still looked as good as the last time he had seen her. A little older, but she wore the years well.
Samantha was still in shock after not seeing David is so long, almost a lifetime ago it seemed. She had never truly forgotten him and maybe had even put all other guys in her life up against him. "I've been following you career, ya know... it seems amazing to think of all you've accomplished with the band. How did that all happen? Last I had heard you were headed to Juilliard?”
“I was. I was all ready to go, and then I got a call from Jon, who I used to play with back in high school. Let's just say it was an offer I couldn't refuse.”
Samantha could see the twinkle in his eyes as he talked about Jon and the band. She knew that he still loved it more than ever, in spite of being obviously burnt out. “It's gotta be a really interesting life, being on the road, seeing the world and doing something you love so much.”
David considered this question carefully before answering. “It is interesting, but it can be exhausting too. I mean, I wouldn't trade the years on the road with these guys for anything, ya know? But some days...”he trailed off, not sure he really wanted to dump everything on Samantha. They were close once -- really close -- but it had been a long time.
Sam could see he was avoiding something and didn't want to press him. They needed to get to know each other again first. “Tell me what else is going on with you. Are you married? Kids? Where are you living when you aren't on the road? Oh crap, is that too many questions?” She laughed then, the familiar twinkle in her eyes caught his attention right away and his grin grew wider.
“Sammy, you haven't even begun to ask too many questions.” His eyes shone with laughter, and he saw her quick smile at the use of her old nickname. “Yeah, I'm married -- shit, was married for a while.” He grinned sheepishly at her. “Sorry, it's still pretty new, the "was married" thing. Anyway, I have three great kids and I'm still in Jersey, though I have a place in California and split my time between the two. How 'bout you? You get someone to sweep you off your feet?”
A brief shadow overtook her normally light attitude, but just for a moment. Nobody like you, she thought, but didn’t say out loud. “No, nobody special. I was engaged once, but it didn't work out.” She laughed then, but it was a laugh laced with sarcasm and a little pain and David recognized it immediately and waited to see what was going to come next. “I guess he thought our honeymoon would be more fun with his assistant than it would have been with his new wife... it is what it is, right?”
“Jesus, Sammy, I'm sorry, sweetheart.” The endearment slipped out as, for a moment, the years slipped away. “Well, he was clearly an idiot.” He watched as her emotions played over her face, and thought it'd be a good idea to change the subject. “So, you know all about what I do, what do you do?”
Samantha told David about school and being offered the junior executive position at her firm right after graduation and how she had worked her way up the ranks to senior partner.
“I'm a Senior VP at MM&P, we're a Fortune 500 advertising agency in New York. I really love the work and I've worked hard for it all my life. Thus the reason I'm here now. I just won a multi-million dollar account that has consumed the last 18 months of my life. I finally got the chance to escape for a couple of weeks, so here I am.” David could see in her face that she was very proud of what she did for a living and what she had accomplished.
“Congratulations! Well, I think we should celebrate. Do you want to have dinner?” He winced as he thought he sounded a little presumptuous. “I mean, if you don't already have plans.”
Samantha laughed again, going on to explain that this was her first time in Paris and her first day, in fact, and how she was planning to spend the rest of the day exploring in and around Notre Dame. He eyed the tour book that was sitting on the table.
Realizing the gift he’d been given at seeing Samantha again, and hoping to prolong their day together, David asked, “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day and would you like some company?” He held his breath, hoping for a positive response. Her mere presence had already begun to relax him and he wasn’t ready to give that up just yet. He wanted to spend more time with her and was hoping she wanted to do the same with him.
“I would love that”, she replied.
I could easily fall in love with this david too, darlin'. I can see how this little muse snatched you away from Jonny. ;)
Great stuff. Love the imagery and the setting. Then add in the tension and the what ifs...you've got yourself a really good beginning.
Again, amazing set up, letting us know what's been happening with David, how he feels, why he's there. Loved the meeting too! Could really see that gorgeous day and the two sitting there at the little cafe tables.
On to the next chapter!
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