It was a bright warm, summer day and David was waiting for Samantha in the lobby of their building. They had planned to spend the day together, shopping and doing laundry and all those other mundane tasks that were made all the more better because they were doing them together.
The elevator dinged and David turned as she appeared, his heart skipping a half dozen beats as he took in the angel before him. She was dressed in denim short shorts and a halter top which was just revealing enough that her pert nipples showed through; not in a bad way but rather in a very sensual one that made David’s cock jump within his own shorts. She had her hair pulled back with a scrunchy and her sunglasses were perched atop her head. She was, quite simply, the most adorable girl he had ever seen.
“Sammy, you look good enough to eat,” David said by way of greeting her, taking her into a long, deep embrace. “Are we ready to hit the big city by storm?” he said, holding her at arm’s length then and giving her a peck on the lips.
“Well good morning to you to, silly man” she giggled in response, taking his hand and leading him out the door.
They walked a few blocks until they came to a wonderful open air market that had become a permanent event in the village on Sundays in the summer. Dozens upon dozens of vendors would set up shop in a 3 block area that would be cordoned off to traffic so that people could roam freely through the area. It was, in Sam’s opinion, the very best opportunity to pick up some of her favorite food and she looked forward to coming here each week.
Samantha led David from vendor to vendor, choosing carefully the items she wanted. David paid attention because he wanted to know everything about her, and that started with her favorite foods. She chose red pepper humus from one shop, fresh, warm French bread from another, a variety of fruits and vegetables from a third. Each place they stopped provided samples and snacks of the various specialties that were being sold. David and Samantha ate so much they didn’t even need to stop for lunch. As they continued to walk she added homemade Caesar dressing, a big container of cold gazpacho soup, and a bag of homemade garlic croutons to go with it. She was so at ease with everyone she met, treating them like friends rather than just vendors, introducing some of the shop owners to David as they walked and talked and generally enjoyed the day. With bags full of all sorts of goodies, the last stop was at an old fashioned candy counter type place where they picked up grape licorice laces and some handmade fudge with marshmallows and walnuts mixed inside.
Returning to their building, they took the items up to Sam’s apartment, taking care to put the perishables away so they would not spoil. As Samantha closed the refrigerator door, David came from behind, turning her and pressing her firmly against the closed refrigerator door. He placed his hands on either side of her face and took her in for a long, slow, passionate kiss. He slid his tongue over her lips and into her mouth, tasting all the treats they had shared throughout their time in the market, happy memories filling his head. He wished he could stay like this forever, wished she wasn’t going to leave for college at the end of the summer, even wished he could follow her and blow off Julliard. But he knew that was never going to happen, so he just leaned in to kiss her some more, making an indelible mark in her memory so that, hopefully, she would never forget him.
David had thought a lot about the past during these last few days with Samantha. He was determined to re-capture at least some of what they had shared so many years ago and he had gone to great lengths to prepare an evening that would show her exactly how he felt. Having come in from the afternoon’s activities, David and Samantha both showered and dressed casually for the evening. Sam had asked him what he had planned and he would tell her nothing other than it would be a casual evening, to dress comfortably and to bring a sweater along.
All the way down to the lobby, Samantha tried to get David to tell her what he had planned, but his sly smile was the only thing he gave away. He had decided on a private picnic for the two of them; enlisting the concierge to help him find all the foods he hoped were still among Sam’s favorites. The concierge also arranged for a car and driver to be at their disposal for the afternoon.
The couple got into the waiting car, smiling at the little bow the driver made as they approached. As they rode through the streets of Paris, they held hands and looked out the window, enjoying the lights of the city and how it took on a whole different aura than it had during the day.
When they arrived at the Tuileries Gardens, the driver took a large basket from the trunk and handed it to David. Turning back to the trunk, the driver took another large item and handed it over to Samantha; a thick, woolen blanket that was neatly folded with a fastening strap around it to keep it all in place. David shifted the basket so that he could hold Samantha’s hand, and nodded his thanks to the driver. Leading her down the curvy paths through the lush gardens, they came to an area that was meant for public picnicking and chose a grassy area under a lovely red maple tree, its vast branches covering the area without shedding a leaf.
David placed the basket on the ground and took the blanket from Sam, loosening the straps and spreading the soft dark green and tan tartan over the lushly green ground, until a warm nest was created. It was quite large and provided more than enough room for both of them to spread out and get comfortable. Samantha did just that while David turned his attention to the large basket. He was surprised to see that it had a small table attached to the bottom of it. Unfastening it from the bottom of the basket, he set up the low wooden table and began to take items from the basket and place them on the table.
Samantha was giddy as she watched as David removed item after item, each one a favorite of hers. She was shocked and touched at the apparent care he had taken when planning the meal with the hotel. The basket held all the delights of the perfect fall picnic from hummus and pita to gazpacho with croutons to Caesar salad. There was a lovely bottle of Blanc du Bois White Merlot and two crystal glasses as well as fresh fruit salad and some small, decadent looking cakes.
Seeing the spread he had prepared. Samantha found her thoughts drifting back to that day at the market as realized that David remembered it too.
Settling back to lay against the tree, David opened his arms, inviting Samantha to cozy into the crook between his shoulder and body. She crawled over and took up residence there, relaxing into him and sighing deeply. She reached for his chest, the fine contours peaking through the undone buttons of his shirt. There was the dark edge of the Joker tattoo there and Samantha traced her fingers over what she could see.
“I really like this, it suits you…a little goofy with a touch of sinister thrown in for good measure”.” she said, continuing her gentle touching of him. “When did you get it?”
“Back in 1990, during a break in touring.” David placed his hand over hers. “Man, it hurt like you would not believe… all six and a half hours of it. I’m surprised that I ever got another one after that.” He made a face that was half memory of the pain and half silly David sarcasm, and Samantha couldn’t help but laugh between sips of wine.
The combination of the memory David invoked and the affects of the wine cause Samantha to sigh. She thought about all the time they had missed together, wanting to talk to him about it without getting to serious.
David could see the change in her mood right away. “Sammy? Is everything ok?” He reached for her hand and she allowed him to pull her just a little closer. “Whatcha thinking darlin?"
Samantha smiled brightly then, her eyes sparkling in the waning light of the evening. “Of course, I'm fine. How could I not be? Look how beautiful all this is!” She motioned around then, taking in the gardens as she tried to dodge his real question.
“It really is. Did you know that this used to be a palace for the French royalty before the inquisition?”
“No, I didn’t. How did you learn so much about Paris? I guess you've been here a lot”.
“I have, I really like it here.” He looked at her and could tell that whatever was bothering her a moment ago was still there and that she was trying to disguise it by changing the topic. “But you're changing the subject. I can tell something is on your mind. Tell me.
Samantha squeezed his hand “No really, it's nothing. Tell me what it was like when you were touring, back in the beginning. I bet that must have been amazing”.
David smirked at the thought. He wasn’t exactly sure if she was a fan -- her questioning sounded much more like she was truly interested rather than if she were a fan looking for a scoop. “It was wild, that’s for sure. I never expected the band to take off as fast and hard as it did. When Jon called me and asked me to come help with his single that was breaking, I don't think I could have imagined what the next 2 years would bring, let alone the next 20. It was wonderful, exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time. I really wouldn't change a thing, except one... I lost track of you.”
Samantha sighed. “Yeah. I always wondered what would have happened if...you know...”
She blushed.
“If what? Come on babe, tell me what you are thinking”
“Well...you know what I mean, it just seemed like we were really connected back then and for a while I really could see us ending up together. But then you got busy, and God knows I was too. I don't know, sometimes I think maybe we should have tried a little harder.”
This time it was David who sighed. “I know. Being on the road all the time was so hard. If we weren't performing, we were moving and there was really no way to tell you where you could find me. If only we had had cell phones and the internet then...”
“Yeah. I tried sending a few letters and they got returned. I even thought about trying to see you at a concert once. But once I got there and saw all those Madonna wanna-be girls trying to get backstage to all of you, I decided that there was no way I was going to be able to get to you.”
Shock registered on David’s face. Concert? When? Where? She had come to see them? "Oh Sammy, if only I had known. You would have been such a breath of fresh air compared to all those girls, and I hope you know that I really would have loved to see you.”
Samantha let out a small laugh. “l wouldn't have even known where to start. I can’t imagine what did those girls were willing to do to get backstage any way.”
David laughed deep in his belly then. "Those girls were not interested in me for the most part, I can tell you that much. But hey, I didn't know you were a fan. Have you been following us all this time?”
“Oh I don't believe that for a second. I bet you had girls throwing themselves at you. And I wouldn't say I’v
e been "following" you exactly, but I have seen a couple of shows over the years. I’ve always been so proud of you though, from the time when everything took off the way it did until now. It’s like my own little secret and I’ve never even told my friends that are die hard fans that I knew you when. Personally, I think it was you and what you did on keyboards that made Bon Jovi stand out from all the other bands back then.”“Well you know me, I love to play. And truly a guy couldn't ask for a better or more talented group of guys than Jon, Richie, Tico and Huey. They really are like brothers to me, and so freakin talented. But enough about me. Tell me about what your life has been like. Obviously you graduated and are very successful now. But how come you never married?” David reached over to run his finger through Samantha’s hair, looking deep into her eyes then, trying to anticipate her answer.
Several long moments passed as Samantha tried to decide how to answer his question. She didn’t want to seem like a silly schoolgirl who had spent the last 20 years pining away for him, but the truth was that in some ways that was exactly what she had done.
“I was engaged to a guy for a while but I ended up calling it off. I think he had this idea that once we got married I'd turn into the perfect little suburban housewife and I could never really see myself doing that. Besides, my job can be so demanding sometimes, there hasn't been a ton of time for getting serious with anyone.” She paused then before deciding to keep answering. “However, the other part of it is that you were a pretty tough act to follow.” She blushed and fidgeted with the hem of her blouse. “How long were you married?”
“I got married in 1990. It was a rough time for the band and we very nearly broke up. I went home to Edison and re-met April and thought that she would be able to fill the void I was feeling then. We managed to keep it together for 14 years. But ultimately, the touring and all my other projects got in the way.”
“I'm sorry. That must be hard, with the kids and everything.”
“Yeah, but kids are incredibly resilient ya know. They are used to me being on the road so in that way it's not too different. I just wish April and I could get along better for their sake.”
“Would you change anything? I mean, if you had it to do over?” She cocked her head waiting for an answer.
“Well, I wouldn't if it meant not having my kids, but other than that there is only one thing I would change”. David paused then, reaching for both of Samantha’s hands and giving her a soft, lingering kiss before whispering in her ear, “I wouldn't have lost you.”
David could feel Samantha’s smile. "Well” she replied quietly into his ear, “we can't change the past... but we are here together now."
Great chapter honey....it's wonderful to see David and Samantha back on track...can't wait for more!!!
Damn that really IS one bad-ass tattoo!
Awesome chapter, Willow -- how can she possibly resist a guy who remembers her favorite foods from 25 years ago!?!
Wanna borrow my whip to tame the pesky David muse into submission?
Faithfully your,
The Fiction Mistress
That was wonderful Willow. Loved the peek into the past. Maybe now they will be able to hold on to one another.
Nice to have Sam and David back!
Nice to see them back and talking to you honey!
Willow, this was great. Just wonderful. I think I already gave you LOTS of commentary :)
~ Hath
another great chapter willow! can't wait till the next
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